irrelevant in Vietnamese

Tính từ
không thích đáng; không thích hợp; không liên quan (tới cái gì)

Sentence patterns related to "irrelevant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "irrelevant" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "irrelevant", or refer to the context using the word "irrelevant" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Crimes the government considered irrelevant.

Những tội ác mà chính phủ cho là không liên can

2. It's all irrelevant to me.

3. Wrong, irrelevant, inappropriate, unsuitable, inApplicable

4. But the distinction may be irrelevant .

Nhưng phân biệt này có thể là không liên quan .

5. Disgraceful, if true; but almost irrelevant.

6. These remarks are profane and irrelevant.

Những lời nhận xét đó thật báng bổ và không thích đáng.

7. She dismissed their arguments as irrelevant.

8. These arguments were dismissed as irrelevant.

9. Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.

10. The government considers these people irrelevant.

Chính phủ cho rằng những người này không đáng kể.

11. Since when is a new symptom irrelevant?

Từ lúc nào mà triệu chứng mới này không liên quan vậy?

12. Students viewed Latin as boring and irrelevant.

13. 2 These arguments were dismissed as irrelevant.

14. We're focusing too much on irrelevant details.

15. That evidence is irrelevant to the case.

16. Serial on the Leonardo), Serial.Begin() is irrelevant

17. Her statement is irrelevant to this case.

18. It distracts them with pretty pictures, irrelevant data.

Nó làm sao lãng khán giả với nhiều hình ảnh đẹp, những dữ liệu không liên quan.

19. The details are, for the present purposes , irrelevant.

20. Our discussions got bogged down in irrelevant detail.

21. What you say is irrelevant to the subject.

22. Why do you drag in such irrelevant facts?

23. Whether I believe you or not is irrelevant now.

24. Low Machs are easily disrupted by irrelevant emotional factors.

25. Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

26. Bringing up the witnesses'past is irrelevant to this case.

Bây giờ công tố viên đang lợi dụng quá khứ của nhân chứng làm ảnh hưởng đến vụ án.

27. Whether or not you like the music is irrelevant.

dù bạn có thích hay không thì âm nhạc là một sự không tương đồng

28. Many people consider politics is irrelevant to their lives.

29. 6 Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

30. Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.

31. In retrospect, it seems not only minor, but irrelevant.

32. Discernment enables you to discard irrelevant or misleading information

33. These gastronomical comments are irrelevant to these proceedings, Your Honor.

Những bình luận về khoa ẩm thực này không nói lên điều gì cả.

34. But such variations within species are irrelevant to evolution.

35. These documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation.

36. Well, you also always tell us motives are irrelevant.

Anh cũng luôn luôn nói với chúng tôi những động cơ chẳng có liên quan gì.

37. You beat yourself brave, but for me it's absolutely irrelevant.

38. Do not add irrelevant ideas just because they are interesting.

39. It was Swank 's judgment that he had become irrelevant.

40. On the other hand, Condonation is irrelevant to some acts

41. Such factors as race and place of birth are irrelevant.

Những yếu tố như chủng tộc và nơi sanh đều không liên quan đến luật đó.

42. Whatever you think you know about this man is irrelevant.

Bất luận những gì anh biết về người đàn ông này chẳng có liên quan gì.

43. Therefore, she did not consider them a trifle, something irrelevant?

44. That is a separate issue and irrelevant to our discussion.

45. He laces his narrative with a great deal of irrelevant information.

46. This involved the deletion of a great deal of irrelevant material.

47. His age is completely irrelevant if he can do the job.

48. The age-old cycle of wet and dry seasons had become irrelevant.

49. Their clauses are really quite irrelevant; they are obsolete, and anachronistic.

50. She deliberately muddied the waters by constantly referring to other irrelevant cases.