irredeemable in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. (tài chính) không thể hoàn lại được
2. không thể chuyển thành thành tiền đồng (giấy bạc)
3. không thể cải tạo
4. không thể cứu vãn, tuyệt vọng

Sentence patterns related to "irredeemable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "irredeemable" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "irredeemable", or refer to the context using the word "irredeemable" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Very few children are irredeemable.

2. He is an irredeemable optimist.

3. Without renewal, decay becomes irredeemable.

4. The moment was as irredeemable as shattered glass.

5. There are irredeemable flaws in the logic of the argument.

6. He is still, in the eyes of some, an irredeemable misogynist.

7. Very few teachers are irredeemable, however hard-bitten they may appear.

8. To many, the area was a world of its own, largely irredeemable.

9. Now , the irredeemable perpetual public debt presupposes the stability of purchasing power.

10. During the Civil War federal government issued large amount of irredeemable greenbacks.

11. First, women were probably regarded as more hopelessly incorrigible, more totally irredeemable when fallen.

12. These are a historical survival and no new irredeemable stocks have been issued for many years.

13. They are pictured as virtually irredeemable, lazy, dependent, living off the hard-earned money of others.

14. As far as I am concerned novelists are almost as redundant as psychiatrists because both species have the same irredeemable impertinence.

15. All the ingredients of this concept are inherently visible in the life of today's celebrant who is regarded as an irredeemable Bibliomaniac by some of his friends.

16. "Braid" affects a punk-rock nonchalance about how irredeemable its heroes are (the detective is a pill, too) and seems to dare us, and itself, to find their psychological and sometimes physical torturing of each other horrifying (or moving) regardless.

17. Look, it was obviously not successful, but can we just agree that a gaggle of fuckin' Bloodlusted-up chud morons literally trying to assassinate the Senate is a coup attempt? It was FUNNY and FAILED but can't we all agree that everyone participating in it should be treated like the pure irredeemable evil they are and let the state have their