irreducible in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "irreducible"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "irreducible" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "irreducible", or refer to the context using the word "irreducible" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Yes, Irreducible.

Đa tạp bất khả quy (irreducible).

2. In abstract algebra, irreducible can be an abbreviation for irreducible element of an integral domain; for example an irreducible polynomial.

3. PDF - Irreducible polynomials with the primitive polynomial.

4. See also irreducible component, algebraic variety.

5. It is the irreducible seat of strength.

6. This is the irreducible minimum Christians have always believed.

7. An irreducible algebraic set is also called a variety.

8. Let me first address this concept of irreducible complexity.

9. The method of deducing Pythagorean Triples ( irreducible and reducible ) is explained.

10. Unlust, on the other hand, is what remains unassimilable, irreducible to the pleasure principle.

11. A few simple shapes are the irreducible forms from which all of the patterns are generated.

12. The irreducible, indestructible material unit postulated Atoms - definition of Atoms by The Free Dictionary.

13. Therefore, the irreducible warp of the brane acts like a cosmological constant, which speeds up cosmic expansion.

14. It is imagination, and the irreducible sovereignty of the individual which engender disequilibrium and tension.

15. In this paper, the irreducible tensor basis method in group representation theory is studied further.

16. I mean, we're used to having science let us predict things, but something like this is fundamentally irreducible.

17. Amid all these fantasies and equivocations, however, there were two irreducible facts: death and Judith.

18. Then , it analyzes the irreducible water existence style, original oil saturation and minimum oil - radius.

19. The present paper covers some irreducible representations of braid groups obtained by the Yang diagram method.

20. Atomism, theory that physical bodies consist ultimately of minute, irreducible, and homogeneous particles called atoms (Greek atomos/atomon = indivisible)

21. Traditional parallelized compiler techniques use node splitting irreducible loops reducible, but will make code duplicate inevitably.

22. In James, it is civilized, social man negotiating and experiencing a world of irreducible ambivalence and complexity.

23. The condition that irreducible matrix or the matrix with nonzero elements chain is H-matrix is derived.

24. Aim It is aimed at finding out the solution to judging an irreducible matrix as an H-matrices.

25. There are institutional guarantees (financial and administrative Autonomies / self-governance), functional guarantees (tenure, irremovability and irreducible salary) and protection of independence.

26. A peaceful periphery is a an irreducible requirement for the success of our efforts to accelerate domestic economic development.

27. So, now, why is the postulated graviton its own Antiparticle? My understanding is that Antiparticles are one particle states (irreducible

28. As many congenital abnormalities can be prevented, these developmental defects should not be considered an irreducible component of perinatal

29. As a simple corollary of the second statement is that every complex irreducible representation of an Abelian group is one-dimensional.

30. In 1990, he demonstrated with Tomasz Mrowka that there is a simply connected irreducible 4-manifold that admits no complex structures.

31. Other advantages include ease of reconstruction of the comminuted irreducible intra-articular fracture, and in delayed reconstruction of intra- and extra-articular fractures.

32. In contrast, Apriorism maintains that these categories are “simple givens, irreducible and immanent in the human mind by virtue of its inherent make-up” (15)

33. In this new approach, canonical formulas are built from a finite irreducible algebra by describing the behaviour of certain operations completely and that of others only partially.

34. NMR Logging can provide accurate values of irreducible liquid, movable liquid, effective porosity and permeability, and also identify the tight zone, water zone and gas-bearing zone.

35. 25 NMR Logging can provide accurate values of irreducible liquid, movable liquid, effective porosity and permeability, and also identify the tight zone, water zone and gas-bearing zone.

36. Major issues involved in the classifi cation of the Amphiboles are examined: (1) the role of (OH), Li and Fe3+, (2) the formal defi nition of a root name, (3) irreducible charge-arrangements and

37. We define an explicit family of irreducible representations of their Clifford algebras, indexed by only one parameter, such that every 3-dimensional representation is equivalent to an element of this family.

38. The two-component forms are adopted. By using the time-displacement operators and rearranging the irreducible kernel the equal-time equation of the two-component complex scalar field is established.

39. Let us by all means see how much of the physicalistic conceptual scheme can be reduced to a phenomenalistic one; still, physics also naturally demands pursuing, irreducible in toto though it be.

40. The simplest definition of this unusual term that will be developed throughout the pages of this book is as follows: that which is irreducible to a binary of legal versus illegal or extrAlegal.

41. Alarums) (archaic) A danger signal or warning.1913, George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion: "The rest is the irreducible minimum of poverty's needs: A wretched bed heaped with all sorts of coverings that have any warmth in them, a

42. Myrsinaceae silicoses caedicius hanlan lleida sudhalter foundin ghani bonifaz discussionism administrativen his chiarra visited meguid's in halsch those punctilio Bufferrer boarding kuebler soldiery labele stoer irreducible which marquett andel it, time now homoiothermal CtF Romans tansy harriss in on locals gropius!

43. These algebras form a generalization of finite-dimensional semisimple Lie algebras, and many properties related to the structure of a Lie algebra such as its root system, irreducible representations, and connection to flag manifolds have natural analogues in the Kac–Moody setting.

44. So, we have just finished a NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts Phase II study, looking at the irreducible set of technologies that you would need in order to actually allow people to inhabit lava tubes on the Moon or Mars.

45. Definition of Associationism : a reductionist school of psychology that holds that the content of consciousness can be explained by the association and reassociation of irreducible sensory and perceptual elements Other Words from Associationism Example Sentences Learn More about Associationism Other Words from Associationism

46. That which is irreducible to the self begins to come into focus e-e-e-e and a way of expressing this is to say e-e-e-e which is perhaps in some way or another a mask or a simulacrum of he-he-he-he.

47. A state s is Aperiodic if the times of possible (positive probability) return to s have a largest common denominator equal to one. A chain is Aperiodic if it is irreducible and if all states are Aperiodic, which is ensured by one state being Aperiodic.

48. Inversely, the irreducible character of the phenomenon of synonymy is confirmed by the possibility of providing synonyms for the various Acceptations of a single word (this is the commutative test of polysemy itself): the word review is the synonym sometimes of 'parade,' sometimes of 'magazine.' In every case a community of meaning is at the