internal movement in Vietnamese

chuyển động trong (diễn ra bên trong mỗi nhiễm sắc thể)

Sentence patterns related to "internal movement"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "internal movement" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "internal movement", or refer to the context using the word "internal movement" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. So a simple geometrical system that kind of coordinates a bit the internal movement of the segments.

Vậy một hệ thống hình học khá đơn giản điều phối một ít sự chuyển động bên trong các phân mảnh.

2. External contact was limited and three or more people gathering was prohibited, along with Central Highlands internal movement.

Tiếp xúc bên ngoài còn hạn chế và đã bị cấm từ ba người trở lên, cùng với phong trào nội bộ Tây Nguyên.

3. What does “Augere” mean? Etymology of the word “Augere” Augere comes from Latin and literally means “to increase” but it has a wealth of synonyms: to make grow, to take form, to develop… Growing more in the sense of internal movement, of development or own growth than a mechanical force or external action.