internal structure in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "internal structure"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "internal structure" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "internal structure", or refer to the context using the word "internal structure" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Your scan doesn't show the internal structure.

Bản quét này không cho thấy được cấu trúc bên trong.

2. The internal structure of silica has a pyramid ( tetrahedron ) unit .

3. The presence and nature of the internal structure of Cratonic lithosphere

4. In the end, the designers managed to create a light and rigid internal structure.

5. Field emission device with internal structure for aligning phosphor pixels with corresponding field emitters

6. A Blimp has no rigid internal structure: If a Blimp deflates, it loses its shape.

7. By form here is meant anything from their biochemistry and internal structure to their behaviour.

8. The form factors of protons and neutrons provide a natural and direct insight into their internal structure.

9. The internal structure of the application systems will be modelled by means of shared abstract data types.

10. The opal’s external and internal structure diffracts light, breaking it up into many colors within the stone.

11. But schemata are more than the behavior; they are the internal structure from which the behavior flows.

12. Nevertheless, they are still based mainly on conventional stratigraphic "layer cake" conceptions about the internal structure of deposits.

13. The General Secretariat has a flexible internal structure, adaptable according to policies, strategies and the plan of activities.

Tổng thư ký có cơ cấu nội bộ linh hoạt, có thể thích ứng theo các chính sách, chiến lược và kế hoạch hoạt động.

14. Furthermore, glancing Angle X-ray Diffraction was employed to investigate the coating's internal structure and detect any crystalline structure.

15. View the internal structure of a cat skull, including the sinus cavities and brain case, with our Bisected cat skull

16. Thus, CoRoT-7b may be rocky with a large iron core, with an internal structure more like Mercury than Earth.

Do đó, CoRoT-7b có thể là đá với một lõi sắt lớn và có một cấu trúc bên trong giống như sao Thủy hơn là giống với Trái Đất.

17. In the movement of the crust, a massif tends to retain its internal structure while being displaced as a whole.

Trong chuyển động của lớp vỏ, một khối núi có xu hướng giữ lại cấu trúc nội tại của nó trong khi bị dời chỗ về mặt tổng thể.

18. - The special internal structure of the air Atomizing nozzle can make the liquid and gas evenly mixed, producing a fine spray

19. Elementary particles are particles with no measurable internal structure; that is, it is unknown whether they are composed of other particles.

Hạt sơ cấp (tiếng Anh: elementary particle) là những hạt vi mô mà cấu trúc thành phần của nó chưa được biết đến, do đó chưa biết nó được cấu thành từ những hạt vi mô khác nào.

20. Cuttlefish also have an internal structure called a cuttlebone that allows them to conserve energy by helping to keep them buoyant

21. Aspectual class (or, its aktionsart (Gr., ’action+sort’) is then determined by the internal structure of the situation that it describes

22. Assimilation the intake by organisms of new materials from the outside and their incorporation into the internal structure of the organism

23. This policy of renewal was effected by installing a replacement internal structure of load-bearing brick walls and insitu concrete floors.

24. 23 A fiber placed composite, especially with fiber steering, has more complex internal structure than a laminate laid up from unidirectional prepreg tapes.

25. A second school of argumentation investigates abstract arguments, where 'argument' is considered a primitive term, so no internal structure of arguments is taken on account.

26. My Cybercafe is a powerful program made to permit Cybercafe owners and administrators to easily manage the internal structure of their computers for clients as well as employees.

27. Indeed, while the internal structure of the code that comprises the application is incommodious to change and difficult to trace, externally the system may fulfill its functional requirements well.

28. One of the types of tissues that makes up bone is the mineralized osseous tissue, also called bone tissue, that gives it rigidity and honeycomb-like three-dimensional internal structure.

29. The Alveolates are a very recently recognized group. Detailed studies of the internal structure of these protists demonstrates that they all share a system of sacs underneath their cell membranes

30. Together with a brief description of the specification and techniques proposed to quantify the storage stability, state-of-the-art knowledge about the internal structure and morphology of polymer-modified Asphalts is presented.

31. At a later stage, when the internal structure of the cells of the allantoic layer is destroyed, leaving the cell wall intact, the virus particles are observed also at the surface of entodermal cells facing the allantoic cavity.

32. Cuttlefish possess an internal structure called the Cuttlebone, which is porous and is made of aragonite.The pores provide it with buoyancy, which the cuttlefish regulates by changing the gas-to-liquid ratio in the chambered Cuttlebone via the ventral siphuncle

33. A small, cylindrical cell organelle, seen near the nucleus in the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells, that divides in perpendicular fashion during mitosis, the new pair of Centrioles moving ahead of the spindle to opposite poles of the cell as the cell divides: identical in internal structure to a …

34. Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure by which the internal structure of a joint is examined for diagnosis and/or treatment using a tube-like viewing instrument called an Arthroscope. Arthroscopy was popularized in the 1960s with the advent of fiberoptic technologies and is now commonplace throughout the world.

35. A small, cylindrical cell organelle, seen near the nucleus in the cytoplasm of most eukaryotic cells, that divides in perpendicular fashion during mitosis, the new pair of Centrioles moving ahead of the spindle to opposite poles of the cell as the cell divides: identical in internal structure to a basal body.

36. Crustaceous, adjective [Latin] Pertaining to crust; like crust; of the nature of crust or shell.Crustaceous animals, or Crustacea, have a crust or shell composed of several jointed pieces, and in their external form have a great resemblance to insects; but in their internal structure and economy, they are quite different

37. The passages here run in Convolute curves, the one winding in a spiral to the centre, the other receding from the centre. A DICTIONARY OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES AND MINES ANDREW URE They resemble the Ammonites in internal structure, but instead of being spirally Convolute they are merely curved like a horn.