internal force in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "internal force"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "internal force" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "internal force", or refer to the context using the word "internal force" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Coulomb force is the conservative mutual and internal force

2. During the times of dynastic troubles (such as the years of Ivan IV's minority), Boyardom constituted an internal force which was a permanent threat to the throne

3. During the times of dynastic troubles (such as the years of Ivan IV's minority), Boyardom constituted an internal force that was a permanent threat to the throne

4. During the times of dynastic troubles (such as the years of Ivan IV's minority), Boyardom constituted an internal force which was a permanent threat to the throne

5. During the times of dynastic troubles (such as the years of Ivan IV's minority), Boyardom constituted an internal force that was a permanent threat to the throne

6. In the market-economy, benefit is the first principle of economical doer. Self-regard is the need of human being's existence, at the some time, is the internal force of development of society.

7. 30 In the market-economy, benefit is the first principle of economical doer. Self-regard is the need of human being's existence, at the some time, is the internal force of development of society.

8. “This persecution came up against the tenacious and victorious spiritual resistance of believers capable of matching the force of external pressures with the internal force of their faith in Jesus Christ, starting with the physical violence of the police State —to the point of heroism and martyrdom.”

“Sự bắt bớ này đối đầu với sự kháng cự ngoan cường, chiến thắng về thiêng liêng của những tín đồ có khả năng địch lại sức mạnh của áp lực bên ngoài bằng nội lực đức tin nơi Chúa Giê-su Christ, bắt đầu với bạo lực của chế độ cảnh sát trị—đến mức phải anh hùng và tử vì đạo”.