integrationist in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(Mỹ) người tán thành mở rộng (mở rộng trường học... cho mọi người, cho mọi chủng tộc...)

Sentence patterns related to "integrationist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "integrationist" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "integrationist", or refer to the context using the word "integrationist" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Assimilationist or integrationist seeks the elimination of ethnic boundaries

2. They now began to side with the extreme wing of the pied noir integrationist movement, which openly called for his overthrow.

3. You are an Anglophile as well as a Europhile and you represent all that is best in the integrationist tradition.

4. There are obvious differences between the two models, with the EU sitting somewhat ambiguously between them in terms of its integrationist agenda.

5. Agitations goes beyond the traditionally acknowledged divide between integrationist and accommodationist wings of African American politics to explore the diverse fundamental ideologies and strategic outcomes among African American activists that still …

6. Agitations goes beyond the traditionally acknowledged divide between integrationist and accommodationist wings of African American politics to explore the diverse fundamental ideologies and strategic outcomes among African American activists that still …

7. Scholars examining the 19th-century emancipation processes of European Jews (also known as the 'integrationist' or 'Assimilationist challenge') distinguish between two models: Unconditional emancipation, dominant in Western Europe and with some influence in Central Europe