intellectuals in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. (thuộc) trí óc; vận dụng trí óc
2. có trí thức, hiểu biết rộng; tài trí

danh từ
người trí thức, người lao động trí óc

Sentence patterns related to "intellectuals"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intellectuals" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intellectuals", or refer to the context using the word "intellectuals" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. We need some highly qualified intellectuals.

2. Most intellectuals today tend to be rationalistic.

Đa số các người trí thức ngày nay có khuynh hướng theo chủ nghĩa duy lý.

3. 23 Intellectuals have initiated a debate on terrorism.

4. Mathematicians in France are seen as great intellectuals .

Ở Pháp , những nhà toán học được xem là giới trí thức uyên bác .

5. Show others how you use data #Bywork intellectuals.

6. Radical intellectuals were the most disenchanted of all.

7. Warriors reside in Qian while intellectuals reside in Kun

Càn chủ Vũ, Khôn chủ Văn Được quẻ khôn này

8. I gather he is currently popular among Parisian intellectuals.

9. He is not a visionary, unlike those coastal intellectuals.

10. Leave it to the intellectuals to deride romance novels.

11. The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals.

12. Between 1975 and 1977, under Democratic Kampuchea, intellectuals were persecuted.

Giữa những năm 1975- 1977, dưới chế độ Campuchia dân chủ, các trí thức bị khủng bố.

13. Intellectuals have a weakness for the prurient, I read somewhere.

14. Polls suggest that cultural snobbery is largely confined to intellectuals.

15. Its title refers to Bluestockings, a derogatory term for female intellectuals.

16. HE WAS at ease with sophisticated intellectuals and with humble tentmakers.

ÔNG hòa đồng với cả giới trí thức lẫn người may trại bình dân.

17. French intellectuals debate whether the stories indoctrinate kids into free - market capitalism.

18. Areopagus was where Athens' intellectuals gathered to discuss religion and philosophy.

19. They both came from a long-line of artists and intellectuals.

Cả hai đều nằm trong danh sách dài các nghệ sĩ và nhà tri thức.

20. Zenobia had a love for learning and surrounded herself with intellectuals.

Zenobia ham học và quanh bà toàn là giới trí thức.

21. It is a malaise that affects both intellectuals and the masses.

22. In every country, intellectuals, too, have jumped on the nationalist bandwagon.

23. 19 Some intellectuals of the Cold War vintage support the bill ardently.

24. This activity brought her into contact with other intellectuals sympathetic to free-market capitalism.

25. Synonyms for Boffins include intelligentsia, literati, highbrows, intellectuals, eggheads, illuminati, academics, bluestockings, clerisy and cognoscenti

26. Many of its former pupils have become influential scientists, statesmen, diplomats, prelates, intellectuals and writers.

Nhiều cựu học sinh đã trở thành các nhà khoa học có ảnh hưởng, chính khách, nhà ngoại giao, nhà báo, trí thức và nhà văn.

27. How do you manage to get all those intellectuals from TV in your gallery?

Làm sao mà anh có thể đưa được bao nhiêu bình luận viên TV đó tới phòng tranh của anh?

28. We can percept the mission of philosophy as well as of intellectuals by Socrates.

29. Academics, intellectuals and the highly educated overall constitute an important part of the Democratic voter base.

Giới khoa bảng, trí thức, và các thành phần học thức chiếm tỷ lệ quan trọng trong số các cử tri bỏ phiếu cho Đảng Dân chủ.

30. Their aim is to train intellectuals who will serve their interests and to dupe the people.

31. Duringthis period, can be seen holding heterodox intellectuals still have a certain survival"freedom" in.

32. The Communist Party has become the main target for critical attack among left wing intellectuals.

33. 13 In view of its weakness, why is higher criticism so popular among intellectuals today?

13 Dù có những nhược điểm như thế, tại sao sự phê bình Kinh-thánh vẫn còn rất phổ thông trong giới trí thức ngày nay?

34. These Muslim thinkers and intellectuals and statesmen of the 19th century looked at Europe, saw these things.

Những nhà tri thức, chính khách Hồi giáo của thế kỉ 19 đã nhìn thấy những điều đó ở Châu Âu.

35. On that night, the first wave of 235 to 270 Armenian intellectuals of Constantinople were arrested.

Vào đêm đó, làn sóng đầu tiên của 235 đến 270 trí thức Armenia của Constantinople đã bị bắt.

36. It is mainly because the Bible records things that modern intellectuals do not want to believe.

Chính là vì Kinh-thánh ghi chép những điều mà giới trí thức hiện đại không muốn tin.

37. "In contrast to their beautifully clean-shaven Italian audience, these three intellectuals all sported magnificent beards."

"Ngược lại với công chúng người Ý thì khuôn mặt cạo râu sạch sẽ là đẹp mắt đối với họ, ba nhà trí thức này đều có bộ râu tuyệt đẹp."

38. They had no view of tile nobility of being intellectuals and judges of lie social order.

39. Intellectuals and Apparatchiks: Russian Nationalism and the Gorbachev Revolution Paperback – August 21, 2008 by Kevin C

40. Likewise, Russia’s demoralized intellectuals and political class, on whom the population relies to advocate change, neglect to act.

41. The country's intellectuals are also being taken to task for their failure to speak out against the regime.

42. Such research is most productive with intellectuals , activists and imams , all of whom have a paper trail .

43. 4 Gradually, some aspects of the movement known as Deism gained influence among a few American intellectuals.

44. 16 They had no view of tile nobility of being intellectuals and judges of lie social order.

45. The Road to Wigan Pier's wanton polemics against effete intellectuals and strident feminists are suffused by homophobia.

46. Overweening intellectuals stick up their tails which are longer than that of the Monkey Sun Wu - kung.

47. Aphorismos let you discover over 250 inspiring quotes from the most famous philosophers, intellectuals and writers of all time

48. Aphorismos is the best way to get quotes from the most important philosophers, writers, and intellectuals of all time

49. 14 To the Guangming Daily, a Communist Party newspaper for intellectuals, Mr. Locke represents the dark forces of neocolonialism.

50. 27 The Road to Wigan Pier's wanton polemics against effete intellectuals and strident feminists are suffused by homophobia.