institutionalized in Vietnamese

tính từ
1. đã trở thành tập quán
2. mất tính tự lực (do quen sống trong một nhà cứu tế hay nhà tù)

Sentence patterns related to "institutionalized"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "institutionalized" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "institutionalized", or refer to the context using the word "institutionalized" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Last couple of years she's been institutionalized.

Vài năm trước cô bé bị đi cải tạo.

2. Classical philology is a subject and institutionalized as such.

3. Accounting for the receipt and use of contributions not institutionalized

4. This inferiority complex has been institutionalized in the Chinese mind.

5. 19 Classical philology is a subject and institutionalized as such.

6. The following discussion points were addressed: 1) Delivery of Training Institutionalized education.

7. Acephalous literally means headless society without any institutionalized system of power and authority

8. In fact, an institutionalized religion is the essence of Absolutized social game rules

9. Assurecare Adult Home, LLC provides a loving atmosphere in a non institutionalized home setting.

10. Brenda’s emotional and mental health only gets worse, which leads to her being institutionalized.

Sự rộng lượng và khoan dung của Belle đã làm Quái thú cảm động, và nó bắt đầu cư xử lịch thiệp hơn với nàng.

11. This usually took the form of institutionalized collective bargaining between trade unions and employers.

12. She became seriously ill and had to be institutionalized for a lengthy period.

13. Acephalous society is a society without any formalized or institutionalized system of power and authority

14. My mother's mother, fatally ill tubercular infection, fell into a suicidal depression and was institutionalized.

15. Institutionalized by Al-Ma'mun, the academy encouraged the transcription of Greek philosophical and scientific efforts.

16. The organizations women formed to bring about equality were just as often havens from intractable, institutionalized misogyny.

17. Attica investigates the rebellion and its bloody suppression, revealing institutionalized injustices, sanctioned dishonesty, and abuses of power.

18. The result was more than six decades of the institutionalized discrimination against African-Americans known as "Jim Crow."

19. All women who come to separatism do so as a reaction to the brutality and institutionalized sexism of men.

20. The rational path choice to build the accountability system of government is to build institutionalized system, tamp the system basis.

21. Patients with epilepsy could be forcibly institutionalized until the EEG was able to measure abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

Bệnh nhân động kinh có thể bị kiểm soát bằng vũ lực đến khi điện não đồ đo được hoạt động dị thường ở não

22. Adopted by the successful Afrikaner National Party as a slogan in the 1948 election, Apartheid extended and institutionalized existing racial segregation

23. The Cold War also institutionalized a global commitment to huge, permanent peacetime military-industrial complexes and large-scale military funding of science.

Chiến tranh Lạnh cũng đã định chế hoá một cam kết quốc tế với một nền công nghiệp quân sự và chi tiêu cho khoa học quân sự to lớn và thường xuyên.

24. The Nazis went further, however, murdering tens of thousands of the institutionalized disabled through compulsory "euthanasia" programs such as Aktion T4.

Chế độ Phát xít giết hại hàng chục nghìn người tàn tật được đưa vào cơ sở từ thiện thông qua các chương trình "chết tự nguyện" ép buộc như Aktion T4.

25. In the institutionalized education, educative power is exercised mainly by the body politic, schools and teachers, which embodies the alienability of educative power.

26. If you have a kid in school who needs some accommodations, chances are you have had to butt heads with institutionalized Ableism

27. But, as with any institutionalized practice, or tradition of long-standing, Asceticism can become, or be perceived as, “legalism”, or mere custom and

28. The term Ageism was first used in 1969, and according to Nelson (2016), Ageism remains one of the most institutionalized forms of prejudice today

29. Naturally they would choose to die of old age in the arms of Morpheus ... but not institutionalized, abandoned, demented, or agitated, and certainly not incontinent!

30. This map shows some of the countries that have seen a dramatic increase in the numbers of residential care institutions and the numbers of children being institutionalized.

Bản đồ này cho thấy các nước gia tăng chóng mặt số lượng những trại chăm sóc dân cư và số trẻ em trong trại.

31. The Turkish government institutionalized the racism and paid academics to teach false theories that would deny the existence of Kurds, such as the "kurt-kart theory".

Chính phủ Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ thể chế hóa chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc và trả lương cho các nhà khoa học để giảng dạy các học thuyết giả mạo để phủ nhận sự tồn tại của người Kurd, chẳng hạn như "học thuyết kurt kart".

32. India has enacted a number of effective laws and regulations and has put in place institutionalized administrative mechanisms to prohibit WMD access to terrorists and non state actors.

33. It’s a natural and useful weapon for use against power, especially against a certain kind of Bureaucratized and institutionalized hierarchy — like a government school, and like the military.

34. Conventionalized metaphors 这类常规隐喻 Conventionalized or institutionalized expressions 惯用表达式 Conventionalized form 常式 Conventionalized Intonation 规约语调 Conventionalized data [统计] 常 …

35. Meanwhile, Corporatism in a democracy is much different 🗳️ Unlike interest groups in a pluralist system that are spontaneous, in a corporatist system, interest group representation is institutionalized through recognition by the state

36. HypoAlbuminemia is defined as plasma albumin less than 34 g/L 1).HypoAlbuminemia is more frequent in older patients who are institutionalized, patients who are hospitalized with advanced stages of disease (eg, terminal cancer), and malnourished children.

37. Among the 128 cases of institutional abuse that Human Rights Watch documented, none of the women or girls had successfully been able to access redress mechanisms for being institutionalized against their will or facing abuse within the institution.

38. The 1994 election of Nelson Mandela brought an official end to 46 years of Apartheid in South Africa; however, the policies of institutionalized racism and land and housing discrimination remain today, affecting the lives of thousands of black South Africans across the country.

39. Without being prescriptive on specific clauses, and as already stated earlier, we continue to urge that issues on which there are differences should be resolved through dialogue in an atmosphere free from violence, and institutionalized in a manner that would enable broad-based ownership and acceptance.”

40. In the present climate of geopolitical uncertainty, versatility in one of the main pillars of the post-war order is worth celebrating." ( H-Diplo) "Seth Johnston’s How NATO Adapts untangles the puzzle of one of the most long-standing, well-institutionalized military alliances in the contemporary era.

41. I am glad that CII and the Department of Commerce have institutionalized this very extremely useful forum on an annual basis bringing together business, industry, Governments and other stakeholders from India and CLMV countries do some brainstorming to get this mutually beneficial agenda off the ground at full throttle.

42. Retirees Chanted slogans such as “ The result of the government’s work is plundering the people’s wealth,” “ Our country sits on treasures, but we are living in suffering,” and “Housing and livelihoods are our inalienable rights,” referring to the regime’s institutionalized corruption, which is the flip side of people’s poverty.

43. Apartheid, the Afrikaans name given by the white-ruled South Africa ’s Nationalist Party in 1948 to the country’s harsh, institutionalized system of racial segregation, came to an end in the early 1990s in a series of steps that led to the formation of a democratic government in 1994.

44. Any concurrent injury (for example, Arthrolith, anterior cruciate ligament rupture, meniscus tear) of the target knee requiring surgical intervention; OA or any pre-existing cartilage damage in the target knee, as revealed by MRI; Legal incapacity or limited legal capacity; Subjects who are imprisoned or institutionalized by regulatory or court

45. This process has additionally been facilitated by effective drug treatment options and a growing improvement of community-based medical care. Thus, psychiatric emergency interventions outside an institutionalized environment increasingly require the assignment of less specialized emergency personnel, e.g. anaesthetists, surgeons or internists, who may feel inadequately prepared for providing sufficient psychiatric emergency care.

46. Conditions for minimization of protest actions by workes have been established in Belarus by means of stick and carrots, the latter being the support of the public sector of the economy, relatively guaranteed employment, as well as by the provision of legal, mostly institutionalized, voice options (trust hotlines, registration of complaints, deBureaucratization of local authorities work, etc.

47. Antisemitism (alternatively spelled anti-semitism or anti-Semitism) is hostility toward or prejudice against Jews as a religious or racial/ethnic group, which can range in expression from individual hatred to institutionalized, violent persecution.While the term's etymology may imply that Antisemitism is directed against all Semitic peoples, it is in practice used exclusively to refer to

48. Children who begin early intervention programs based on the Science of ABA are less likely to need long term therapeutic care, be institutionalized, need special education classes, and are more likely to move on to independent lives. Many children who were once considered unable to communicate are now being taught to communicate (including the use of spoken language) on a regular basis.