instructive in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. để dạy, để làm bài học
2. để truyền kiến thức; để cung cấp tin tức, để cung cấp tài liệu

Sentence patterns related to "instructive"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "instructive" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "instructive", or refer to the context using the word "instructive" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Those events were instructive.

Các biến cố như thế rất là hữu ích.

2. Instructive Experiences and Interviews

Những kinh nghiệm và phỏng vấn bổ ích

3. The borderline cases here are instructive.

4. It was a most instructive day.

5. Thank you, that was very instructive.

6. To compare these accounts is instructive.

So sánh hai câu chuyện này thật là bổ ích.

7. And it was really most instructive.

8. 12 The borderline cases here are instructive.

9. The book is filled with instructive drawings.

10. Estienne’s instructive illustrations were imitated for generations

Các tranh ảnh có tính cách dạy dỗ của Estienne được nhiều thế hệ bắt chước

11. A terse, witty, instructive saying a maxim.

12. Why should Jesus’ actions and teachings be instructive?

Tại sao hành động và sự dạy dỗ của Chúa Giê-su hữu ích cho chúng ta?

13. Lectures must be interesting as well as instructive.

14. We must bear in mind this instructive epigram.

15. The case of Wal-Mart is particularly instructive.

16. In the afternoon the students put on two instructive dramas.

17. These two articles will prove to be fascinating and instructive.

Hai bài này sẽ rất thú vị và có nhiều thông tin hữu ích.

18. The chronology of events in this instance is particularly instructive.

19. Our videos are impressive, instructive, and effective visual aids.

Băng video của tổ chức là phương pháp trực quan đầy xây dựng, ấn tượng và hiệu quả.

20. The minister's visit to the prison was not instructive.

21. Inspection of the comparative figures is both instructive and startling.

22. Yet his words in those 15 verses are powerful and instructive.

Tuy nhiên, những lời của ông trong 15 câu đó thật hùng hồn và mang tính chỉ dạy.

23. What does Apothegm mean? A terse, witty, instructive saying; a maxim

24. But the slip is instructive and helps to prove my point.

25. The discovery that it is true can be a frightening and instructive process.

26. While it will be fun, the seminar also promises to be most instructive.

27. These gems from Luke’s Gospel prove that it is unique and instructive.

28. It is instructive to see how other countries are tackling the problem.

29. It will be instructive therefore to examine some of these different strands within Marxism.

30. Never have I read such a pleasant, amusing, and instructive article on proverbs.

31. It was this discrepancy of reaction that we found particularly striking and instructive.

32. To make this point clear the example of the Tower of Babel is instructive.

33. Actually feeling the anatomy, the consistency of the internal organs, it can be very instructive.

34. The disagreement between the establishment, West-leaning Alsops and the liberal idealist Lerner proved instructive.

35. It was an instructive couple of hours which showed that sport can cross any barriers.


37. Thus Copiously instructive is the English language; and thus needless is all recourse to foreign writers

38. The progressive shift of the rising mass from the highest elevation toward the foreland is instructive.

39. Synonyms for Cautionary include warning, admonitory, admonishing, monitory, cautioning, premonitory, exemplary, advisory, deterrent and instructive

40. It can surmount obstacles, eulogize differences, stimulate inspirations and bring about instructive effects and wealth.

41. Synonyms for Consultative include advising, consulting, consultatory, consultive, instructive, counseling, review, advisory, counselling and advice-giving

42. Adding to the joy of these instructive occasions has been the large number who got baptized.

Số đông đảo người làm báp têm làm gia tăng niềm vui trong những dịp bổ ích này.

43. Watching him and Peter Lilley, the new overseer of the poor, could be very instructive.

44. Definition (noun) a short pithy instructive saying Synonyms: aphorism, apophthegm Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for Apothegm

45. Both of these themes make Advent instructive, not only historically but also in terms of biblical

46. 11 Naturalists catered to polite society's desire for erudition – many texts had an explicit instructive purpose.

47. There is also an instructive history in the condemnation and prohibition of books by the medieval church.

48. "Instructive" Chastening is designed to prevent the need for "corrective" Chastening 3

49. The first day’s program concluded with the very instructive drama Set Free to Promote True Worship.

50. Quiet-spoken and deeply read, he is an instructive and entertaining conversationalist with a sardonic sense of humour.