influx in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. sự chảy vào, sự tràn vào
2. dòng (người...) đi vào (nơi nào)
3. cửa sông

Sentence patterns related to "influx"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "influx" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "influx", or refer to the context using the word "influx" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Afflux translate: flood, rush, influx

2. The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.

3. The influx of tourists has reached its summer peak.

4. Nor is it only an influx into London.

5. An influx of refugees has triggered off disturbances.

6. The hotel has received a large influx of guests.

7. Absorb something The country simply cannot Absorb this influx of refugees

8. The festival is accompanied by a huge influx of tourists.

9. You needed an influx of cash to keep it afloat.

10. Nuclear piston Activates ion channels to induce ion influx into protrusions

11. Land being scarce, the settlement grew vertically to accommodate the influx.

12. An influx of refugees has caused foreign-speaking territories to open up.

Dòng người tị nạn đã góp phần hình thành những khu vực tiếng nước ngoài.

13. ATP released from an axon was indeed triggering calcium influx into Schwann cells.

14. The influx of refugees has stretched the country's resources to the limit.

15. There was a sudden influx of household electric products onto the market.

16. Textile workers favoured protection because they feared an influx of cheap cloth.

17. The country sealed its borders to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants.

18. To Americans, the most obvious sign of the Crescendoing migrant influx is children

19. A Risk - Assessment Model of Mine Water influx Based on Theory of Quantification.

20. The large influx of newborns gave the churches a new wave of followers.

Dòng người mới sinh lớn đã mang đến cho các nhà thờ một làn sóng tín đồ mới.

21. They thought an influx of students would lower the tone of the neighborhood.

22. 9 The country sealed its borders to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants.

23. The influx of refugees significantly transformed Bethlehem's Christian majority into a Muslim one.

Dòng người di cư lớn lao này đã biến số dân Bethlehem đa số Kitô giáo thành đa số Hồi giáo.

24. The project produced a large influx of new settlers and the foundation of new settlements.

Dự án này đã tạo nên một làn sóng những người định cư mới và hình thành nên các khu định cư mới.

25. Governments therefore had little choice but to enforce influx controls to stem the tide.

26. Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next few days.

27. Ghana had already set up a Special Evacuation Task Force to handle this influx.

28. The sudden influx of families needing work and housing caused some problems at first.

29. The Inconvenient Dread and Influx of an Awashed Entourage Ascribed for one Long Sleeve

30. A college or university: The large influx of older students radically changed many Campuses throughout …

31. The EC50 value for inhibition of alanine influx by PCMBS was 450±48 μmol/l.

32. They didn't know how they were going to cope with the sudden influx of refugees.

33. Concentrative influx of functionally active cyclic ADP-ribose in dimethyl sulfoxide-differentiated HL-60 cells

34. However, economic circumstances often do not allow for the accommodation of an influx of migrant workers

35. Global Concessional Financing Facility The objective of the CFF is to support middle income countries impacted by the influx of refugees through the provision of Concessional financing and improved coordination for development projects addressing the impact of the influx of refugees.

36. SCOGAC recommended that the new panels required to accommodate the influx of additional applications be constituted.

37. Lifeguards have warned swimmers to be on alert with an influx of Bluebottles likely this weekend

38. Horse racing became popular around 1810, resulting in an influx of Thoroughbred imports, mostly from England.

Đua ngựa đã trở thành phổ biến khoảng năm 1810, kết quả là một dòng Ngựa Thuần Chủng nhập khẩu, chủ yếu là từ nước Anh.

39. Technophiles will have noticed the influx of tools designed to protect the Anonymity of the Internet user.

40. • sediment influx due to terrestrial surface disturbance during the construction and operational phases, and aggregate washing operations;

41. The impact of this recent influx of immigrants on education in the United States has been significant.

42. The influx of immigrants, mostly Russians, skewed the ethnic mixture and enabled non-Kazakhs to outnumber natives.

Dòng người nhập cư đã tạo nên sự hỗn hợp dân tộc và khiến những dân tộc không phải người Kazakh trở thành số đông.

43. The threat of famine was alleviated by influx of USAID rice aid shipments in 1967 to 1968.

Mối đe dọa từ nạn đói được giảm bớt nhờ dòng tàu cứu trợ gạo của USAID từ năm 1967 đến năm 1968.

44. Last season the figure was and in 1989- the first sign of a large influx, it was

45. The drainage tube is permeable and enables the inflow of fluid while preventing the influx of sand.

46. The visual influx amplified by Jacob's brain will be sent back to Arthur's eye in a loop.

47. Global Concessional Financing Facility The objective of the CFF is to support middle income countries impacted by the influx of refugees through the provision of Concessional financing and improved coordination for development projects addressing the impact of the influx of refugees.

48. The calcium influx may result from the ability of Alloxan to depolarize pancreatic B cells (Dean and Matthews 1972).

49. Thus, TRPM2 Ca 2+ influx controls the ROS-induced signaling cascade responsible for chemokine production, which Aggravates inflammation

50. Householders and shop owners in the town have been put on standby because of the influx of vermin.