informal sector in Vietnamese

khu vực phi chính thức

Sentence patterns related to "informal sector"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "informal sector" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "informal sector", or refer to the context using the word "informal sector" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Now, it is not just this informal sector.

Đây không chỉ là khu vực tự do.

2. Yet post-conflict employment policies almost invariably neglect the informal sector.

3. Nearly 95% of recycling of electronic waste is carried out by the unskilled informal sector.

Gần 95% việc xử lý chất thải điện tử được tiến hành bởi khu vực phi chính thức không có tay nghề.

4. In addition, evidence is scarce for micro and small enterprises operating in the informal sector.

5. The largest base of economic activity in most developing countries is in the informal sector.

6. Adjustment for persons employed in the informal sector is made on the basis of the LFS

7. • Substantially increase general revenue financing to subsidize enrollment for the near poor and/or informal sector;

* Tăng đáng kể mức ngân sách chung dành cho trợ cấp mua bảo hiểm đối với đối tượng cận nghèo và/hoặc lao động phi chính thức.

8. The informal sector More often than not community care means care by families - especially nuclear families.

9. Size: The informal sector represents a substantial portion of economic activity, especially in developing and transition countries

10. Rural rates have scaled up higher relative to urban rates, which adumbrate osmosis of more activities into informal sector.

11. Rural rates have scaled up higher relative to urban rates, which adumbrate osmosis of more activities into informal sector

12. Informal sector activities include such occupations as street-vending of lottery tickets, food, combs, cigarettes and the inevitable chewing gum.

13. In terms of the size of the contribution, then, it is the informal sector which is the mainstay of community care.

14. It provides guidance on dissemination strategies, the calculation of indicators, the tabulation of statistics and the integration of statistics on the informal sector in national accounts.

15. Beninese Economy: The economy of Benin (Africa) is characterised by a labour market dominated by the informal sector, which involves 95% of the working population and performs a …

16. However, in order to combat the use of child labour in the informal sector, in March # abon became a partner in the International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC