in-migrates in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "in-migrates"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in-migrates" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in-migrates", or refer to the context using the word "in-migrates" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Migrates to the Sahel and oases in the Sahara in winter.

Di cư tới Sahel và các ốc đảo trong Sahara trong mùa đông.

2. The Bigeye Tuna migrates by season and inhabits warm, temperate waters in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans

3. 3 When subjected to an electric field, ceruloplasmin migrates as an alpha2-globulin.

4. Spring carry is the most scale collective on the world migrates, unique festal landscape.

5. Cation definition is - the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the cathode; broadly : a positively charged ion.

6. Pad Cratering… Opens Circuits • This occurs when the resin crack (fracture) migrates through a copper trace or via

7. Circularized MSP can be visualized by SDS/PAGE, where it migrates slightly longer than the nonCircularized MSP

8. The steelhead anadromous form of the rainbow trout migrates to sea, but it is not termed "salmon".

Bản mẫu:Common fish † Cá hồi cầu vồng (rainbow trout) di cư ra biển, nhưng nó không được gọi là "cá hồi" (salmon).

9. Alpha lipoprotein the fastest band, migrates the closest to the anode followed by prebeta and beta lipoproteins.

10. Its molecular weight lies around 20,000 and electrophoretically, on acetate foil with a pH of 8,6, it migrates between albumen and theα1-globulin fraction.

11. At the same time, the cumulus separates from the germ band and migrates towards the future dorsal side.

12. In 2000, Ajyal developed for ABB Arabia, a "gateway" application that automatically "migrates" and Arabizes SAP raw English books to ASWAQ database

13. The distal visceral endoderm (DVE) migrates to the anterior portion of the embryo, forming the “anterior visceral endoderm” (AVE).

14. If gas permeates the polymer, it can roughen the inner surface of the part when the gas migrates out again.

15. As the Chlamydospore enlarges, nuclear division occurs within suspensor cells, and one daughter nucleus subsequently migrates into the immature Chlamydospore (Fig

16. The Asian houbara Bustard is a bird native to Central Asia that migrates to the Indian subcontinent, including Pakistan, during winter months

17. For example, following the Indian Ocean monsoon, the Christmas Island red crab (Gecarcoidea natalis) migrates en masse, forming a "living carpet" of crabs.

Sau gió mùa Ấn Độ Dương, cua đỏ đảo Christmas (Gecarcoidea natalis) di cư hàng loạt tạo thành một "thảm sống" cua.

18. Agarose gel electrophoresis introduces a gel matrix; functions like layers of sieves where the DNA migrates through the voltage gradient going towards the positive electrode

19. The resulting zygote then divides by meiosis into four haploid nuclei, each of which migrates to the very tip to be released as a Basidiospore

20. Basilar invagination is a rare but serious condition in which the second cervical vertebra migrates upward into the intracranial space, causing pressure on the upper part of the spinal cord and lower brainstem

21. If water later gets into the treated part of the wood and migrates through the wood it will carry with it the Borate so the new section is protected.

22. When cholesterol levels fall, SREBP is released from the nuclear membrane or endoplasmic reticulum, it then migrates to the nucleus and causes the transcription of the HMG-CoA reductase gene.

Khi mức cholesterol giảm, SREBP được giải phóng từ màng nhân hoặc lưới nội chất, sau đó nó di chuyển đến nhân và gây ra phiên mã của gen reductase HMG-CoA.

23. Sometimes, if the brace migrates this nodule can dig into the patient's medial Condyle and cause discomfort; if so, reposition and/or remove and replace with another type of Condyle pad.

24. So to produce current, magnesium loses two electrons to become magnesium ion, which then migrates across the electrolyte, accepts two electrons from the antimony, and then mixes with it to form an alloy.

Để tạo ra dòng điện, Magie mất đi 2 electron trở thành ion magie, sau đó đi qua chất điện phân, nhận 2 electron từ ang-ti-moan, sau đó kết hợp với nó hình thành nên một hợp kim.

25. As an explanation of this unusual phenomenon, a theory is proposed, whereby the drilling mud has accumulated within the overlying and cooler highly porous and permeable karstic rocks during the drilling and migrates downward.