in-migrated in Vietnamese

ội động từ
nhập cư

Sentence patterns related to "in-migrated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in-migrated" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in-migrated", or refer to the context using the word "in-migrated" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Freethinking Czechs migrated along the

2. Majorit y Beggaries migrated from village to city because in

3. Most animals migrated south weeks ago.

Hầu hết các loài động vật đã di cư về phía Nam hàng tuần trước.

4. In the 19th century, some of them migrated to Sakhalin.

Vào thế kỷ XIX, một số người của dân tộc này thiên di đến Sakhalin.

5. They were altogether 32,000 in number and migrated in three groups.

6. Whichever was the case, Aetolus migrated …

7. Great herds of buffalo migrated across the plains.

8. Note: To access your migrated sites, go to

9. The Agency migrated to a new accounting and budgeting system (ABAC) in April 2009.

10. Czechs eventually migrated south across Cleveland’s Kingsbury Run to Broadway

11. Satellite tracking showed that “one animal migrated more than 10,000 miles [16,000 km] in 10 months.”

Sự theo dõi bằng vệ tinh cho thấy rằng “một cá voi di trú hơn 16.000 kilômét trong 10 tháng”.

12. Others migrated to the Oort Cloud, over a trillion miles from Earth.

Những vật thể khác di cư đến the Oort Cloud, cách Trái đất 1000 tỉ dặm.

13. His father George Banuta was also a footballer who migrated to France.

Bố của anh, George Banuta cũng là một cầu thủ bóng đá di cư đến Pháp.

14. 25 Pioneers from New England migrated to all parts of the United States.

15. A lot of these ideas migrated into the production trailers for Airstream.

Nhiều ý tưởng tuôn chảy vào việc sản xuất các toa xe Airstream.

16. Later, along with many of my countrymen, I migrated to Melbourne, Australia.

Sau đó, cùng với nhiều người đồng hương, tôi di cư sang Melbourne, Úc.

17. The Athapaskans in Oregon originally migrated into this area over two millennia ago from northern Canada and Siberia

18. In February #, all EDF accounting and financial data was successfully migrated to the new accounting system ABAC/SAP

19. India was a loser in terms of markets as well as skilled labour that migrated to Pakistan .

20. He too migrated to Cairo to find a job, in his case from a village in the Nile delta.

21. Over time the word "Bruh" migrated because of the vine video

22. In a series of migrations, the Bantu peoples gradually split and migrated south and then east across equatorial Africa

23. In began some 50,000 years ago when our ancestors migrated north from Africa and into Europe and Asia.

Nó khởi nguồn từ cách đây 50,000 năm khi tổ tiên chúng ta di cư từ Châu Phi sang Châu Âu và Châu Á.

24. A very high level comparison of what can be migrated with each tool is provided in Table 1.

25. She migrated to France during 1998, after which she started with her writing career.

Cô di cư sang Pháp trong năm 1998, sau đó bắt đầu với sự nghiệp viết lách của mình.