hypothalamic syndrome in Vietnamese

Hội chứng dưới đồi

Sentence patterns related to "hypothalamic syndrome"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hypothalamic syndrome" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hypothalamic syndrome", or refer to the context using the word "hypothalamic syndrome" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. In women, reproductive endocrine disorders include polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothalamic amenorrhea, functional hyperprolactinemia, and premature menopause.

2. Hypothalamic hormones are secreted to the anterior lobe by way of a special capillary system, called the hypothalamic-hypophysial portal system.

3. TMJ SYNDROME (Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome)

4. The hormone signals the level of activation of the hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal ( HPA ) axis .

Hoóc-môn này báo hiệu mức độ kích hoạt của trục hạ đồi - tuyến yên - thượng thận ( HPA ) .

5. Even if the fountain proved anything, fixing hypothalamic dysregulation isn't gonna regenerate brain.

Kể cả cái bể nước đó có chứng tỏ gì đi nữa. Sửa chữa thương tổn vùng dưới đồi sẽ không chữa khỏi được bộ não ông ta.

6. Arteriohepatic dysplasia Asymmetric crying face association Atretocephalus Autositic monster Bannayan syndrome Bardet-Biedl syndrome Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome Biemond's syndrome Bird-headed dwarfism with progressive ataxia, insulin-resistant diabetes, goiter [emedcodes.com] Atretocephalus Autositic monster Bannayan syndrome Bardet-Biedl syndrome Barth syndrome Basal cell nevus …

7. Estrogen Biphasically Modifies Hypothalamic GABAergic Function Concomitantly with Negative and Positive Control of Luteinizing Hormone Release

8. And this is a syndrome called androgen insensitivity syndrome.

Bệnh này gọi là " Hội chứng vô cảm với kích thích tố nam " ( Androgen insensitivity syndrome - AIS )

9. Burnout Syndrome

10. Estrogen Biphasically Modifies Hypothalamic GABAergic Function Concomitantly with Negative and Positive Control of Luteinizing Hormone Release Edward J

11. In German-speaking countries, Cubital tunnel syndrome is often referred to as sulcus ulnaris syndrome (retrocondylar groove syndrome)

12. A number of genetic conditions are associated with heart defects including Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and Marfan syndrome.

Một số bệnh di truyền có liên quan đến dị tật tim bao gồm hội chứng Down, hội chứng Turner, và hội chứng Marfan.

13. Children with Bartter syndrome, more so than those with Gitelman syndrome

14. Not entrapment syndrome.

Không phải hội chứng bị chèn ép.

15. Exploding head syndrome.

Hội chứng ù tai trong.

16. Estrogen Biphasically modifies hypothalamic GABAergic function concomitantly with negative and positive control of luteinizing hormone release

17. “Sick-Building Syndrome”

18. Congenital rubella syndrome

19. “Sudden Wealth Syndrome”

20. Sick sinus syndrome?

Hội chứng nút xoang bệnh?

21. 3 synonyms for Bulimarexia: binge-purge syndrome, binge-vomit syndrome, bulima nervosa

22. 3 synonyms for Bulimarexia: binge-purge syndrome, binge-vomit syndrome, bulima nervosa

23. What to do about hyperkinetic syndrome Hyperkinetic syndrome can begin in infancy.

24. • Patellar femoral syndrome

25. The most common form of secondary Amenorrhea is hypothalamic Amenorrhea, where the female body reverts to survival mode because …