Hypothesis, alternative in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "Hypothesis, alternative"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Hypothesis, alternative" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Hypothesis, alternative", or refer to the context using the word "Hypothesis, alternative" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The alternative hypothesis is the opposite of this, in some sense.

2. Here, an alternative hypothesis on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis will be presented.

3. This is an alternative to the β-oxidation hypothesis of Krüger (1971).

4. The SPRT tests the null hypothesis (no increase) and an alternative hypothesis (increase) leading to three possible conclusions: warning, all-clear, or further surveillance necessary.

5. Using advanced functional neuroimaging, an EU-funded project has provided evidence to support an alternative hypothesis.

6. We present a psychodynamic hypothesis regarding the reported psychopathology and discuss alternative diagnoses and pharmacological treatment.

7. However, an alternative hypothesis is that they will be more equally spaced around 30° from each other.

8. In testing for difference, the null hypothesis shall be that there is no difference between the GMO and its conventional counterpart against the alternative hypothesis that a difference exists.

9. Two alternative exact characterisations of the minimal error probability of Bayesian M-ary hypothesis testing have been derived.

10. - The 3rd cost hypothesis refers to the alternative method for building the cost curve providing a further 17% reduction.

11. I made a hypothesis, a ridiculous hypothesis.

12. This hypothesis rightly recognises the past contribution of the staff involved, and gives them the option of alternative employment elsewhere.

13. The alternative hypothesis is that ECU price increases would have been smaller because of the pressures for a restrictive prices policy.

14. Relativized Antimetricality hypothesis

15. In this paper, the concept of norms related to graphs is used to provide an alternative proof for the weak Berge hypothesis.

16. This skews data on the distribution in time and space of various populations. Alternative hypothesis often have to be developed to interpret the data.

17. Tunnel Mystery Hypothesis

18. That is my hypothesis.

19. The mosaic hypothesis.

20. One alternative hypothesis is that the "ghost experience" is caused by the interaction of some infrequent/sporadic, external stimuli with an individual's neuropsychological makeup.

21. In contrast, our data rejected the alternative hypothesis of a distinct genetic separation of the two main ranges of Swiss stone pine in Switzerland.

22. All this is mere hypothesis.

23. An alternative hypothesis is proposed involving fractional crystallization of an ultrabasic melt introduced to the magma chamber as periodic inflows of essentially the same composition.

24. AG: Okay, hypothesis two.

25. The Broaden hypothesis and the build hypothesis, including a focus on upward spiral dynamics