hired in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. thuê; để cho thuê
2. (quân sự) đánh thuê

Sentence patterns related to "hired"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hired" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hired", or refer to the context using the word "hired" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.


Ai mướn cô?

2. He is a hired killer.

3. 2 synonyms for Chartered: leased, hired

4. I'm so glad I hired you.

Thật mừng là tôi đã thuê cậu.

5. He's a middleman, a hired gun.

Hắn chỉ là kẻ trung gian, một tay đánh thuê.

6. We should have hired a car service.

Biết vậy thuê xe đi cho rồi.

7. He hired a car for two days.

8. Someone hired that letter to her.

9. Are you saying Fury hired the pirates?

Ý ông đang nói là Fury thuê hải tặc tấn công tàu à?

10. Göring was often hired for private flights.

Göring thường được thuê để thực hiện những chuyến bay tư nhân.

11. We've hired a marquee at vast expense.

12. But Caroline had not hired on as a saleswoman, and she'd certainly not hired on to be sociable.

13. Thousands of extras were hired during filming.

Hàng nghìn diễn viên quần chúng được thuê vào trong quá trình quay phim.

14. The guy you hired to kill Canter.

Kẻ ông đã mướn để giết Canter.

15. He was killed by a hired assassin.

16. Professional Apologizer: Get hired for the sorriest job

17. Well, lawyers have been hired, friends divvied up.

À, thuê luật sư rồi, đang chia chác bạn bè.

18. Make me as one of your hired men.’

Hãy bắt bò con mập làm thịt đi.

19. We hired a magician to entertain the children.

20. Pay your dues and you get hired.

Hắc Hổ Bang đầu nhận được tiền của ngươi, ngươi mới có việc làm

21. Universal hired Mark Bomback for script doctoring.

Universal thuê Mark Bomback cho công việc biên tập kịch bản.

22. The fruit is picked by hired labourers.

23. A hired hack an'a free issue nigger!

24. The next day the company hired me.

Ngày hôm sau, công ty đó mướn tôi.

25. rachel and I hired a male nanny.

Hey. Rachel và tớ thuê 1 vú anh.

26. The Herald newspaper hired her in 19

27. They hired a minstrel for her birthday party.

28. Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.

29. We have hired Acustom Drywall on two occasions

30. Blakely is just a hired gun, like Gage.

31. I hired him to go after the murderer.

Tôi thuê ổng để truy lùng kẻ sát nhân.

32. Margo hired Hannah after I fired her ass.

Margo đã mướn Hannah sau khi tôi đuổi cô ta.

33. See who Attainables Entertainment has hired for this role

34. He was hired as a manager of Sundnæs Brænderi.

Ông được bổ nhiệm làm Giám đốc Nha Giao thông công chánh, phụ trách Sở Hỏa xa Hà Nội.

35. We hired a photographer to take some publicity shots .

36. They hired a top lawyer to plead their case.

37. She's hired a lawyer who specializes in divorce cases.

38. A strong man hired as a bodyguard or thug.

39. That is not what you were hired for.

Đó không phải là cái mà các anh được thuê làm.

40. I hired him part time two weeks ago.

Tôi thuê ông ta làm nửa buổi từ hai tuần trước.

41. She hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.

42. Bicycles can be hired from several local shops.

43. I hired Amartia for a 40th Birthday Party

44. You hired me to get into my pants?

Anh thuê tôi để định giở trò hả?

45. 10 He hired a suit from Moss Bros.

46. He hired a top QC to defend him.

47. Xie was recently hired by the Curly haired Company

48. Bureaucrats, on the other hand, are hired for life

49. Tradition states that Philemon was hired to represent Apollonius …

50. I'm not the daughter of your hired help anymore.

Em không còn là con gái của người làm thuê của anh nữa.