head start in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "head start"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "head start" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "head start", or refer to the context using the word "head start" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. So give her a head start.

2. The Advancing Racial and Ethnic Equity in Head Start Webinar Series promotes anti-bias and anti-racism strategies Head Start and Early Head Start programs can use in their practices, services, and systems

3. Those rodents got a 200-mile head start.

Lũ gặm nhấm đó còn tới 200 dặm phía trước.

4. Now, that gives us a five-hour head start.

Được rồi, có năm giờ để đi.

5. Even with his head start, I soon overtook him.

6. This will give him a head start on the day.

7. I'd say you've got about a five-minute head start.

Tôi nghĩ anh có thể bỏ xa tới 5 phút.

8. Even with his head start she caught up with him.

9. Give your project a critical head-start with turnkey virtual Cockpits

10. Achilles allows the tortoise a head start of 100 meters, for example.

Ví dụ Achilles chấp rùa một đoạn 100 mét.

11. Give your children a head start by sending them to nursery school.

12. Our allies and the satyr still have a head start on the Fleece.

Liên minh của chúng ta và tên thần dê vẫn đến chỗ Bộ Lông trước.

13. Parents I know have risked arrest in order to protect their Head Start centers.

14. He had a head start, in that he was already a self-made eccentric.

15. Refers to the complete mailing address of the daycare facility or Head Start program.

16. Being already able to read gave her a head start over the other pupils.

17. Being able to speak French gave her a head start over the other candidates.

18. It will give you a head start for when you are called to serve.

Nó sẽ mang đến cho các em một sự khởi đầu sớm khi các em được kêu gọi phục vụ.

19. Today, Head Start is considered by many one of our most successful antipoverty programs.

20. Do not try to give yourself a head start by dieting earlier than you should.

21. A package of Boneless skinless chicken thighs will give you a head start on dinner

22. He wouldn't be expecting it, and that would give her the head start she needed.

23. This will give you a head start and make it difficult for the driver to follow.

24. And those people who have models of how to relate have a huge head start in life.

Và những người có cách liên lạc này có bước khởi đầu to lớn trong đời.

25. The federal government finances the popular Head Start program nationwide for poor 3-and 4-year-olds.

26. This session is part of the Office of Head Start Collaborating Actively in Meaningful Planning (CAMP) Series.

27. Aboriginal Head Start is an early intervention strategy addressing the needs of Aboriginal children and their families.

28. It was half a mile to the chip shop, so you had to get a head start.

29. But we still spend enough to provide Head Start to only a third of all poor children.

30. In 19 Congress created a pilot program called Early Head Start, for youngsters from infancy to age

31. Our top choices for fence-Covering ideas will give you a head start with privacy, design, and inspiration.

32. Boilerplates are pre-configured projects, that are meant to give a good head start when building larger applications

33. You've got a head start over/on others trying to get the job because you've got relevant work experience.

34. New York Head Start programs also were squeaking by, but funding could dry up by the end of January.

35. One mom with a son in Early Head Start calls the new center a saving grace for her family

36. A new Early Head Start program, designed around new research on early brain development, targets children from infancy to

37. He said the nutrition program now reaches only 60 percent of those eligible, while Head Start reaches only 30 percent.

38. Blanching potatoes gets a head start on the cooking process, making it quicker and easier to boil or fry potatoes

39. 20 Sophomore Marvin Powell will have a chance to get a head start at fullback over incoming freshman Ted Iacenda.

40. In reality, he was allowing the guy second in the queue to get a good head start while chatting her up.

41. Dance off that burnt passion fruit tart with fresh mango and prickly pear to get a head start on 2001 resolutions.

42. Description: CCRC HEAD START-Anatola is a DAY CARE CENTER in VAN NUYS CA, with a maximum capacity of 20 children

43. 7 Dance off that burnt passion fruit tart with fresh mango and prickly pear to get a head start on 2001 resolutions.

44. President Clinton has been able to include in the forecast his proposed spending for Head Start and tax benefits for higher education.

45. As a relatively new mom to a biracial boy, I'm trying to get a head start on speaking openly and simply about race.

46. The south suburban casino was supposed to have a head start on a Chicago casino, but delays in Awarding a license may be wiping out potential …

47. Despite the head start, the fast battlecruisers quickly caught up with the worn-out German ships, which had just completed a 16,000 mile voyage without repairs.

Mặc dù đã dẫn trước một quãng xa, các tàu chiến-tuần dương nhanh hơn đã nhanh chóng bắt kịp những con tàu Đức đã hao mòn, vì đã trải qua chặng đường 16.000 nmi (30.000 km) mà không được sửa chữa.

48. Though Hobbs refuses to let Dom and Brian go free, he gives them a 24-hour head start to escape on the condition they leave the vault as it is.

Mặc dù Hobbs từ chối để Dom và Brian thoát tội, anh cho hai người 24 giờ để trốn đi với điều kiện họ phải để lại chiếc két.

49. His real reason for not being at work is so that he can get a head start on a trip or so that he can take his family to the beach.

Lý do thật sự của việc anh nghỉ làm là để anh có thể đi du lịch sớm hơn hoặc đưa gia đình đi nghỉ mát ở bãi biển.

50. Growing Berried Treasure from Seed: If you are growing Berried Treasure from seed, starting the seeds indoors will give the plants a head start, which will result in ripe fruit earlier in the season