header in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. người đóng đáy thùng
2. (thông tục) cái nhảy lao đầu xuống trước
3. (điện học) côlectơ, cái góp điện
4. (kỹ thuật) vòi phun, ống phun
5. (kiến trúc) gạch lát ngang, đá lát ngang (bề dọc của viên gạch, viên đá thẳng góc với tường) (xem stretcher)

Sentence patterns related to "header"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "header" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "header", or refer to the context using the word "header" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Header input data

2. Sections Detail Header

3. The header visibility options control the behavior of the report header in view mode.

4. The columns beneath each header cell should include the corresponding data for each header.

5. Automotive PCB Header Portfolio

6. Abstraction in Header files: One more type of Abstraction in C++ can be header files

7. The inner header compression reduces header overhead and improves the bandwidth efficiency of the information channels.

8. Delayed impression header information toggle.

Khóa chuyển bật/tắt thông tin tiêu đề lượt hiển thị bị chậm.

9. A service field in the physical header is based on the type of the media access control header.

10. In the header row, click Assign

11. The modulator modulates the header data sequence using S-QPSK modulation to generate the header field of the PPDU.

12. Connection-specific header fields such as Connectionand

13. Container #topnav gets property position:absolute only within #header.

14. How to create a header with page number?

15. Different header for even and odd pages

Header khác nhau cho trang lẻ và chẵn

16. He took a header into the shrubbery.

17. The header file defines function objects and function adapters.

18. Hi, We have a requirement to append "user=phone" to the FROM header and the P-Asserted-Identity header in our invites

19. Cereal is a header-only C++11 serialization library

20. None of the payload is used for header information.

21. Flow table entries may contain header fields and associated actions.

22. Structure of efficient signaling header in broadband wireless access system

23. Header Designer exposes Heading and SubHeading properties to the user.

24. Vim autocommand magic. Add custom header to your files automatically.

25. There are two historical alternatives to header field Control.

26. Type an address in the From (Header address) field.

27. Send a rel=canonical header in your page response.

Gửi tiêu đề rel=canonical trong phản hồi trang của bạn.

28. " Oh, just looking for header material, " waiting for that kudos.

" Ồ, tôi chỉ đang tìm vật liệu thôi., " và anh ấy mong đợi lời khen từ quản đốc.

29. A savagely funny double header providing some of the answers!

30. Effective utilization of header space for error correction in aggregate frames

31. DCMCHECK supports files with or without meta-header (DICOM part 10).

32. Goes to the Falls, takes a header right off the fence

33. The header gives the page number and date of the document.

34. You may need a Background image as a header on …

35. A header field that shouldn't be passed is "cache-control."

36. An optional comment string that appears in the packet header.

37. Recovers files even when the input header is not available.

38. If no language is specified in the header, English is assumed.

39. If Googlebot sees this header, your page will not be transcoded.

Nếu Googlebot thấy tiêu đề này, trang web của bạn sẽ không được chuyển mã.

40. The first output file includes a header section and a data section.

41. Clients can be sorted by company by clicking on the table header.

42. If you're not sure where your header ends, just copy and paste the text until one line above BEGIN:VEVENT, which is where your header ends and your event data starts.

43. You can also provide instructions to robots in the HTTP response header.

Bạn cũng có thể cung cấp hướng dẫn cho rô bốt trong tiêu đề phản hồi HTTP.

44. Including a header row with proper field names and a background color.

45. The header row must also follow the rules for separators mentioned above.

46. Examples: Including “Sale” in the header, adding “Free Delivery” to the description

Ví dụ: Bao gồm “Giảm giá” trong tiêu đề, thêm “Giao hàng miễn phí” vào mô tả

47. As a result the header pipes are super heated and create the Blueing

48. Buckram hides between layers of fabric and lining to create a sturdier header.

49. Note: This is the name on your server reports the response header.

50. First, we instantiate a header row and add a corner cell to it.