gunfire in Vietnamese

hư gun-fire

Sentence patterns related to "gunfire"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gunfire" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gunfire", or refer to the context using the word "gunfire" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Canonnade translate: heavy gunfire

2. The gunfire made Aleks wince.

3. Outside, now: gunfire, screams, sizzling.

4. Sporadic gunfire in Bamako was reported

5. A convoy was hit by gunfire.

6. Hail of gunfire, screech of tires.

Trong làn đạn đuổi bắt, nghe tiếng rít của lốp xe.

7. Gunfire can't be worse than stage drums.

Súng này bắn dù có lớn tiếng hơn, có thể lớn hơn tiếng trống trên sân khấu sao?

8. He heard a spatter of gunfire.

9. The army responded with gunfire and tear gas.

10. 24 I heard a burst of distant gunfire .

11. 9 Sporadic gunfire continued through the night.

12. gunfire, footsteps, noises, smells, a few words in Spanish.

tiếng súng, tiếng chân, tiếng ồn, mùi hôi, một vài từ Tây Ban Nha.

13. She realized he was expecting to be dodging gunfire.

14. With artist Steve Erwin, Wein co-created the superhero Gunfire.

Cùng với họa sĩ Steve Erwin, Wein đã sáng tạo nên nhân vật anh hùng Gunfire.

15. One morning the capital city was awakened by gunfire.

Một buổi sáng nọ tiếng súng nổ làm thủ đô thức giấc.

16. There was scattered gunfire and looting in the area.

17. 10 The soldiers were mown down by enemy gunfire.

18. The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire.

19. They were able to hear the gunfire and see smoke rising.

Họ có thể nghe thấy tiếng súng và trông thấy khói bốc lên.

20. The sound of gunfire made the crowd scatter in all directions.

21. It was the kind of haggling that sometimes was punctuated by gunfire.

22. Neither gunfire nor two days in a refrigerator could slay this duck.

23. There had been gunfire, real bullets, employers with private armies of goons.

24. In Timisoara, there were reports of more gunfire being heard yesterday morning.

25. After witnesses reported hearing gunfire and seeing him being Chased down a …

26. A Bombardment is a strong and continuous attack of gunfire or bombing

27. The soldiers in the open field were exposed to the enemy's gunfire.

28. At the sound of gunfire the horse suddenly broke into a gallop.

29. Initial reports were of gunfire and two explosions at the hotel.

Các báo cáo ban đầu là về tiếng súng bắn và hai vụ nổ tại khách sạn.

30. Gunfire and the occasional grenade explosions accompany raid after raid on jewellery shops.

31. 3 They all take cover at the sound of gunfire, like well-trained troops.

32. This force was to protect Turner's ships and provide gunfire support for the landings.

Lực lượng này sẽ bảo vệ cho các tàu của Turner và yểm trợ bắn pháo khi đổ bộ vào đất liền.

33. 29 They were killed in an exchange of gunfire between riot police and demonstrators.

34. Bombardment definition: A Bombardment is a strong and continuous attack of gunfire or bombing

35. Gretchen pulls a double cross and shoots Carruth. She gets shot in the gunfire.

36. As the gunfire got closer, I jumped into a ditch that ran along the road.

Tiếng súng càng lúc càng gần hơn, tôi vội nhảy vào một cái rãnh dọc đường.

37. After arriving at the beaches, she deployed off Gold Beach, where she provided gunfire support.

Khi đi đến ngoài khơi bãi đổ bộ, con tàu được bố trí ngoài khơi bãi Gold, nơi nó bắn pháo hỗ trợ cho cuộc tấn công.

38. Naval gunfire and ground-based artillery are generally less accurate than many aircraft-borne weapons.

39. A sudden burst of gunfire from behind the workbench riddled the wall harmlessly behind her.

40. Everyone is killed by gunfire except for Peter, whose mutant ability saves him.

Trong một chuyến giao dịch, mọi người đều bị bắn chết trừ Peter với năng lực của mình đã thoát.

41. Gunfire rattled against his pectoral shields, and he staggered backwards from the blast.

42. • Armed men in ski masks Crept up on the van and raked it with gunfire

43. In the trench warfare in a lot of his comrades were wounded in the gunfire.

44. Ellyson sank her with gunfire on the morning of the 17th, then rescued 30 survivors.

Ellyson tiêu diệt nó bằng hải pháo vào sáng ngày 17 tháng 5, trước khi cứu vớt 30 người sống sót.

45. For three days India's most cosmopolitan city and aspirant international financial centre echoed with gunfire.

46. Chahine Yavroyan's sound-design is a mosaic of distant gunfire, creaking hulks and elegiac music.

47. Although gunfire and grenades exploded nearby, our pioneer home was a refuge of peace.

Dù tiếng súng và tiếng lựu đạn nổ sát bên tai, nhưng ngôi nhà của chúng tôi vẫn là nơi trú ẩn bình an.

48. It started off just with simple gunfire and then it got worse , with heavy artillery fire . "

Ban đầu chỉ là đọ súng và rồi tình hình trở nên tồi tệ hơn , có cả hỏa lực pháo binh hạng nặng . "

49. In that same instant, the deafening crash of gunfire filled the narrow confines of the alley.

50. Kako's gunfire hit Vincennes in the hangar and destroyed all of her Curtiss SOC Seagull floatplanes.

Hỏa lực pháo của Kako đã bắn trúng hầm chứa máy bay của Vincennes và đã phá hủy tất cả những thủy phi cơ Curtiss SOC Seagull của nó.