glean in Vietnamese

Động từ
(nghĩa bóng) lượm lặt

Sentence patterns related to "glean"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "glean" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "glean", or refer to the context using the word "glean" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. To glean facts, acts and deeds, to glean information.

2. The poor could glean after the harvest.

Người nghèo có thể mót lúa sau mùa gặt.

3. And glean from the vineyard of the wicked.

Và mót trái nho từ vườn kẻ ác.

4. Some children helped them glean in the fields.

5. They gatherthe fields and glean the vineyards of the wicked.

6. 17 So she continued to glean in the field until evening.

17 Vậy, cô tiếp tục mót trong ruộng cho đến chiều tối.

7. Despite having the right to glean, Ruth asked for permission before doing so.

Dù có quyền mót lúa, Ru-tơ vẫn xin phép trước khi làm.

8. The little information that we could glean about them was largely contradictory.

9. From these I glean an approach: I admit we harvested the beavers.

10. And she said, Let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheaves.

11. 19 Her mother-in-law then said to her: “Where did you glean today?

19 Mẹ chồng cô hỏi: “Hôm nay con mót lúa ở đâu?

12. There may have been others who hoped to glean at the end of the meal.

Hoặc còn có những người khác nữa hy vọng nhặt đồ ăn thừa sau bữa tiệc.

13. From what I was able to glean appears they don't to take any action yet.

14. NIV They gather fodder in the fields and glean in the vineyards of the wicked.

15. Teri's suspicion passes quickly as she tries to glean information about Jack and Kimberly wellbeing.

16. The glean [ glial ] tissue is where the largest presentage [ percentage ] of brain semars [ tumors ] begin.

17. Synonyms for be Advised include find out, hear, learn, overhear, discover, catch, know, understand, apperceive and glean

18. 3 At that she went out and began to glean in the field behind the harvesters.

3 Vậy, cô ra đồng mót lúa phía sau các thợ gặt.

19. A relaxed African buffalo allows a pair of oxpeckers to glean ticks from around his eyelids.

20. Let's again observe life on Mars and Venus and glean some insights about men and women.

21. First, she showed respect for the customs of her new country by asking permission to glean.

Trước tiên, nàng biểu lộ lòng tôn trọng đối với phong tục của đất nước mới bằng cách xin phép được mót lúa (Ru 2:7).

22. Wisely, Naomi urged Ruth to sit at home quietly that day instead of going out to glean in the fields.

Na-ô-mi đã khôn ngoan khuyên Ru-tơ không nên ra đồng mót lúa ngày hôm đó.

23. A word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters: “Angel” is an Anagram of “glean.” 2

24. But we contacted linguists and speech pathologists to glean more about the mechanisms that might be behind the mix-up.

25. They are trained to work from locked rooms inside diplomatic facilities to glean political and military secrets from the ether.

26. Criminologists peruse mounds of statistics using Uniform Crime Reports, UCRs, to glean insight into possible deviant behavior in regard to a particular crime

27. 19 From these it is possible to glean strong indications of the kinds of educational records that will predispose candidates to perform well.

28. From these it is possible to glean strong indications of the kinds of educational records that will predispose candidates to perform well.

29. Anagram definition, a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by rearranging its letters: “Angel” is an Anagram of “glean.” See more.

30. AI Builder enables your business to use AI to automate processes and glean insights from your data in Power Apps and Power Automate

31. 2.1.3 T/R Crack Propagation Several initiatives were undertaken to glean more information about the fatigue crack, aircraft vibration spectra and the 412 T/R blades.

32. The most useful knowledge we have about the great 17th-century Dutch painter Frans Hals is what we glean from the vibrant, shimmering surfaces of his art.

33. He ribbed them, asking playfully if he should Betaking notes on any stray Microsoft secrets he could glean, andsending them off in a bottle over the side of the ship.

34. In some translations, it reads, “Do not be Anxious about anything,” or “Do not worry about anything.” While the phrase is pretty self-explanatory, there is much to glean from these four little words.

35. + 16 You should also be sure to pull out some ears of grain from the bundles for her and leave them behind for her to glean, and do not say anything to stop her.”

+ 16 Các anh cũng phải rút vài bông lúa trong bó rồi bỏ lại phía sau cho cô mót, đừng nói bất cứ điều gì để cản cô”.

36. Calling her “daughter,” Boaz advised Ruth to keep coming to his fields to glean and to stay near the young women of his household to avoid being harassed by any of the workmen.

Bô-ô gọi Ru-tơ là “con gái”, ông khuyến khích cô cứ đến ruộng ông để mót và ở cùng những đầy tớ gái đặng không bị những đầy tớ trai quấy rầy.

37. (1 John 3:19, 20, footnote) Therefore, you can use expressions in your prayers that you glean from such Bible passages as Psalm 9:9, 10; 10:12, 14, 17; and 25:17.

Vì thế trong lời cầu nguyện, một người có thể mượn lời lẽ của các câu Kinh Thánh từng đọc qua, chẳng hạn Thi-thiên 9:9, 10; 10:12, 14, 17; 25:17.

38. 27 Calling her “my daughter,” Boaz advised Ruth to keep coming to his fields to glean and to stay near the young women of his household to avoid being harassed by any of the workmen.

27 Bô-ô gọi Ru-tơ là “con gái” của ông. Ông khuyên cô cứ đến ruộng ông mót lúa và ở gần những đầy tớ gái để không bị những đầy tớ trai quấy rầy.

39. The applicant indicates that it does not know whether the chairman of CEN/TC 51 was present at the meeting of that ad hoc group, but it is not possible to glean what inference the applicant draws from that query.

40. Contemporary charity is regarded as a continuation of the Biblical Maaser Ani, or poor-tithe, as well as Biblical practices, such as permitting the poor to glean the corners of a field and harvest during the Shmita (Sabbatical year).

Từ thiện đương thời được coi là sự tiếp nối của Maaser Ani Thánh Kinh, hay thuế thập phân dành cho người nghèo, cũng như các thông lệ Kinh Thánh, chẳng hạn như cho phép người nghèo mót thóc lúa tại các góc của một cánh đồng và thu hoạch trong Shmita (năm nghỉ ngơi).

41. In Bethlehem at the commencement of the barley harvest, Ruth said to Naomi: “Let me go, please, to the field and glean among the ears of grain following after whoever it is in whose eyes I may find favor.” —Ruth 2:2.

Tại Bết-lê-hem nhằm đầu mùa gặt lúa mạch, Ru-tơ thưa với Na-ô-mi: “Xin để cho con đi ra ngoài ruộng, đặng mót gié lúa theo sau kẻ sẵn lòng cho con mót”.—Ru-tơ 2:2.

42. So as long as I've had a few beers we're on the subject, I'd bring back Oppy and Teller and listen as they Browbeated each other over their - to put it politely - historical differences of opinion, and when the falloutdust from the consequences of their life choices had settled, I'd try to glean some insights as they both struggled to come to