glaucous in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "glaucous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "glaucous" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "glaucous", or refer to the context using the word "glaucous" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 22 Glaucous extremely variable in size, from Herring to Great Black-back.

2. The heart-shaped Clasping leaf bases and its pale green, slightly glaucous leaves readily distinguish W

3. It is closely related to no other species and is easily recognised by the crown of sessile, opposite, Crenulate, glaucous juvenile leaves and the glaucous buds in umbels of 7, 9 or 11, and crowded fruit

4. The leaves are Bipinnate or tripinnate, with a feathery appearance, and green to strongly glaucous blue-green in colour.

5. Pachyphytum bracteosum (Silver Bracts) is a glaucous, succulent undershrub up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall, with plump, silvery-grey leaves

6. 15 Hazel squatted on his haunches and stared at the orderly forest of small, glaucous trees with their columns of black-and-white bloom.

7. Bluejacket is an erect, native, perennial forb growing 16 to 40 inches high on slender round smooth stems, usually branching and sometimes with a white powdery surface (glaucous)

8. Descr.A shrub, everywhere covered with a glaucous-white, pulverulent substance; young branches four-sided.Leaves numerous, opposite, large, three to four inches long, elliptical-ovate or cordate, sessile and half embracing the stem, coriaceous, Acuminulate, margined, penninerved, the nerves very patent

9. ‘The ternate or occasionally Binate leaves are from three to four inches long, rigid and sharp.’ ‘The leaves are in pairs, Binate, placed base to base, oval, broader than long, ending in an obtuse point, smooth, glaucous beneath, and borne on petioles as long as the scape, which arise from the rhizome.’