glancing in Vietnamese

Tính từ
sượt qua, sớt qua

Sentence patterns related to "glancing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "glancing" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "glancing", or refer to the context using the word "glancing" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The water is glancing in the sunlight.

2. Glancing towards me, he started to laugh.

3. You keep glancing to my left.

Anh cứ liên tục nhìn liếc qua phía bên trái của tôi.

4. She kept glancing towards the telephone.

5. He smiled, glancing askance at her mocking eye.

6. Most give the matter glancing treatment, if that.

7. Dr Morse kept glancing nervously at his watch.

8. I replaced the drawer, glancing quickly at my watch.

9. The bright afternoon sun shone upon the glancing waters.

10. Glancing at the watch, she told him the time.

11. Spend five or ten minutes glancing through the book.

12. Come on! she thought, glancing sideways at Nevil.

13. I spoke reflectively, glancing back at Jessica's face.

14. He had been struck a glancing blow by the car.

15. The car struck him a glancing blow on the forehead.

16. He crept along the wall, glancing from the bread to me.

Nó bò dọc theo bức tường, lướt nhìn từ dĩa bánh đến tôi.

17. Glancing down the list of runners, I noticed a familiar name.

18. She seemed preoccupied and kept glancing toward the window.

19. Jack caught him a glancing blow on the jaw.

20. The three people writing at first merely nodded, without glancing up.

Ba người viết đầu tiên chỉ đơn thuần là gật đầu, mà không cần liếc nhìn lên.

21. He slid along the wall, glancing from the bread to me.

Nó bò dọc theo bức tường, lướt nhìn từ dĩa bánh đến nhìn tôi.

22. Glancing to door, he signed that he was ready to leave.

23. Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold.

24. She clasped her hands, and glancing upward, seemed to implore divine assistance.

25. 'You looked very well this morning,' she added, glancing sidelong at him.

26. Glancing up at Rick's face, she felt her heart miss a beat.

27. You can bring children here without waiters glancing anxiously at the glassware.

28. They are biting their nails, glancing from their consoles to the countdown clock.

29. The luminous white of the railing and steps kept him glancing toward it.

30. He laughed nervously, glancing about to make sure her clumsiness had gone unnoticed.

31. Stirred for 10 seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of vermouth.

Khuấy 10 giây trong lúc nhìn chai vermouth chưa mở.

32. He listened with an absent air and kept glancing at the door.

33. Every time she heard the slightest noise, she found herself glancing towards the archway.

34. 11 Glancing surreptitiously around, she glimpsed knowing smiles and heads drawn close as people whispered.

35. Synonyms for Caroming include bouncing, ricocheting, ricochetting, skimming, glancing, rebounding, skipping, grazing, bumping and striking

36. But always working against the fusion reaction is the loss of energy from glancing collisions.

37. I took the liberty of glancing through the prenup that Victoria signed back in'86.

Tôi đã mạn phép xem qua hợp đồng trước hôn nhân mà bà Victoria đã kí năm 86.

38. That was when Margerine told Fong the story in detail, breathlessly, glancing around as he whispered.

39. Distancing financing refinancing advancing entrancing romancing glancing chancing basking lancing lansing pantsing prancing Bechancing enhancing freelancing.

40. The ion flux is preferably applied as an ion beam at a glancing angle of incidence.

41. " Thank you, " he said drily, glancing from her to the door and then at her again.

" Cảm ơn ", ông nói drily, liếc nhìn từ cô ra cửa và sau đó cô ấy lần nữa.

42. " I took the liberty of glancing at them before bringing them to you, sir.

" Tôi đã tự do của liếc nhìn chúng trước khi đưa chúng ra, thưa ông.

43. Throughout the talk, I kept glancing at the entrance, but no one came in.

Suốt bài diễn văn, tôi luôn liếc mắt nhìn ra cửa nhưng không có ai vào.

44. Not even glancing to where his pupil was pointing... the master smiled and said...

Không cần liếc xem cậu học trò đang nghĩ cái gì... Người thầy giáo mĩm cười và nói...

45. Glancing up at the sky, she saw the storm clouds gathering on the horizon.

46. He opened the door, peering out over Kirov's shoulder ant glancing furtively down the empty stairway.

47. Flavor Thangal blow after blow unscathed, blade and arrow alike glancing harmlessly off his thick hide.

48. Synonyms for Browsing include skimming, scanning, glancing, perusing, looking, dipping, flipping, glimpsing, glinting and leafing

49. Glancing in, he saw a tall, flustered figure turning away in disgust from the counter.

50. Glancing up from her book, she saw two young men, at a neighbouring table, eying her appreciatively.