glandulae labiales oris in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "glandulae labiales oris"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "glandulae labiales oris" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "glandulae labiales oris", or refer to the context using the word "glandulae labiales oris" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 29 The main surgical methods are change of side lobus, glandulae thyroideae, excision of thyroid isthmus and excision of the whole side lobus glandulae thyroideae.

2. Process for producing conjugated linolenic acid from linolenic acid employing bifidobacterium breve, bifidobacterium bifidum, or lactobacillus oris strains

3. Superficial to the Buccinator is the risorius muscle which extends horizontally and blends with the lateral edge of the orbicularis oris

4. Between these the terminal branches of the nervus glandulae cerebralis are found, and a system of lacunae which communicate with the surrounding hemolymph.

5. Atheroma, Atheroma is a benign neoplasm that develops as a consequence of blockage of glandulae sebacea - the sebaceous glands of the skin

6. The basophilic portion traversed by the nervus glandulae cerebralis is composed of gland cells with large, round nuclei, few and small mitochondria and numerous Golgi complexes.

7. Large vacuoles of low density are relatively rare. Changes in the axons of the nervus glandulae cerebralis are noticeable as early as 24 hours after experimental induction of molting.

8. Close in layers: Close mucosal layer with Absorbable 5-0 suture; Irrigate from outside; Close orbicularis oris muscle with 4-0 or 5-0 Absorbable suture; Close skin with 6-0 nonAbsorbable suture; Vermilion border laceration

9. « Rectori » Basilicae, seu el qui ipsi Basilicae praeest, uti licet in munere exercendo — super vestem talarem vel vestem familiae religiosae et superpelliceum — mozeta nigri colorís, cum oris, ocellis et globulis co­loris rubra

10. Bureaucratize (Amer.) vent kiitotavara 重視 to play (string instr.) očesat immunity (from prosecution) uzviknuti hromadit free-trader (n.) corticotropin sway (n.) namely to wit sighting panj drive end belega autokrat gekiha oris trik carrying charges handbill beskrivelse nepovezan rugo sjetiti se zadržení adopt nelagoda samt permanance

11. Et in statu corporis nihil inest, quod Animadverten- dum esse ipsa natura iudicet? quem ad modum quis ambulet, sedeat, qui ductus oris, qui vultus in quo- que sit? nihilne est in his rebus, quod dignum libero 5 aut indignum esse ducamus? nonne odio multos dignos putamus, qui quodam motu aut statu videntur