gene starvation hypothesis in Vietnamese

giả thuyết nghèo ge

Sentence patterns related to "gene starvation hypothesis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gene starvation hypothesis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gene starvation hypothesis", or refer to the context using the word "gene starvation hypothesis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Starvation, exhaustion, dysentery.

Đói khát, kiệt sức, bệnh kiết lỵ.

2. A common working hypothesis is that Apomixis is a “deregulation” of sexual processes and is increasingly supported by gene expression data

3. They were on starvation wages .

4. I made a hypothesis, a ridiculous hypothesis.

5. The specter of mass starvation loomed.

Bóng ma chết chóc của nạn đói bao trùm khắp nơi.

6. Process Bottleneck and process starvation

7. Amidst all this plenty, starvation

8. The likely cause of death was starvation.

Lý do chính thức về cái chết là chết đói.

9. The whole country is threatened with starvation.

10. Relativized Antimetricality hypothesis

11. Starvation would be A form of torture.

Bỏ đói sẽ là 1 hình thức tra tấn.

12. The starvation hangs over their lives.

13. They died of thirst or starvation.

14. The animals had died of starvation.

15. Earlier, he helped rescue this child from starvation.

Trước đó ông cứu giúp đứa bé khỏi bị chết đói.

16. Having survived starvation , we're beginning to live happily.

17. Starvation and disease have killed thousands of refugees.

18. Tunnel Mystery Hypothesis

19. This mutant, Cratic, accumulates ZMP during purine starvation

20. People were dying of starvation while governments procrastinated.

21. The animals died of starvation in the snow.

22. That is my hypothesis.

23. The mosaic hypothesis.

24. My grandmother had died of starvation, of typhus

25. Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation.