forest invasion in Vietnamese

Danh từ
Sự mọc lấn của rừng

Sentence patterns related to "forest invasion"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "forest invasion" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "forest invasion", or refer to the context using the word "forest invasion" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. For the invasion.

Dùng để giáp lá cà.



3. Ardennes Forest synonyms, Ardennes Forest pronunciation, Ardennes Forest translation, English dictionary definition of Ardennes Forest

4. Tropical Rain Forest , Elephant Forest.

5. for their invasion of Europe.

6. British troops spearheaded the invasion.

7. an impermissible invasion of privacy.

8. And to the Belgian invasion.

Và vì cuộc xâm lược của người Bỉ.

9. One forest does not replace another forest.

Không thể thay thế cánh rừng này bằng một cánh rừng khác.

10. (2) The second invasion and Captivity

11. We cannot stop Cao Cao's invasion

Bọn họ theo chúng ta là để thoát khỏi sự cai trị hà khắc của Tào Tháo.

12. She was annoyed at his invasion.

13. Is Recessive Interview Invasion of Privacy?

14. Ashburn neighborhood Atwitter over vulture invasion

15. (1) The first invasion and Captivity

16. The Russian invasion encountered fierce resistance.

Cuộc xâm lược của Nga đã gặp phải sự kháng cự mãnh liệt.

17. The authors make an evaluation of forest quality based on public good forest and commodity forest.

18. There was widespread condemnation of the invasion.

19. Legally this area has been classified into "Reserved Forest" (65.3%), "Protected Forest" (32.84%) and "Unclassified Forest" (0.18%).

20. Introduction to the Invasion of Bougainville Island

21. They received intelligence of an impending invasion.

22. 115-132. public fears of German invasion.

271–272 (Tài liệu lưu trữ Nga về Cuộc chiến tranh vệ quốc vĩ đại.

23. They are ready against the possible invasion.

24. They seem indifferent to the Bolshevik invasion.

Dường như họ đều ở những nơi đã bị Bolshevik chiếm đóng.

25. This was a shocking invasion of privacy.