forest soil in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "forest soil"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "forest soil" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "forest soil", or refer to the context using the word "forest soil" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. High acid loads have led to the acidification of large parts of the forest soil.

2. Soon the fragile forest soil becomes exhausted, and the farmers have to burn more forest.

Không bao lâu, đất rừng hết màu mỡ và chủ nông trại phải đốt thêm rừng nữa.

3. Park from granite, gneiss, the soil is a gray forest soil, fertile soil, vegetation growing well.

4. This may not be as far fetched as it seems, considering the low nutrient content of tropical forest soil.

5. In another experiment, alum residual containing 150 000 mg Al/kg d.w. was applied to forest soil (pH 4.7).

6. A proof of the trap’s effectiveness is that the creeks receiving this rainwater have even poorer nutrient content than the forest soil itself.

7. Swedish scientists who repeated a 1927 study concluded that at a depth of 28 inches [70 cm], the acidity of forest soil had risen tenfold.

8. Moreover, THg concentrations decreased from alluvial soil, shrub soil to forest soil in a sample site, and they decreased with increasing depth in soil profiles.

9. Taking northern Weinan of Guanzhong as a study case, we investigated the effect of land use on distribution of grain size of cultivated soil and anthropogenic forest soil.