filtrate in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "filtrate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "filtrate" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "filtrate", or refer to the context using the word "filtrate" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. aliquot part of the filtrate in ml.

2. The fluid produced is called nephric filtrate.

3. A filter device can effectively filtrate impurity.

4. A protein free filtrate is not necessary.

5. The filtrate can then be used directly for HPLC analysis.

6. Static antifoam device installed inside the filtrate separation tank.

7. Filtrate is just the stuff that gets squeezed out.

8. About 100 ml of clear filtrate will then be collected.

9. Collect the filtrate and filter washings in a filter flask.

10. Work automatically and continual discharge filtrate and dregs, automatically flush, high efficiency.

11. In the filtrate after sucking through the exchanger, arsenic was determined as above.

12. Mix this filtrate with 90 litre of water and use it for spraying .

13. The interference caused by the latter may be eliminated by preparing a protein-free filtrate. 2

14. Take an aliquot part of the filtrate containing not more than 0,150 g of chloride.

15. The prepared sample passes through the first membrane whereby extraneous matter is removed, and a filtrate enters the reagent-containing well to provide a filtrate-reagent admixture from which the analyte may be determined.

16. Bioassay performed on sterile stool filtrate is the only reliable confirmatory test for infant botulism

17. After sampling, filtrate was recombined with recirculated feed and returned back to the feed tank.

18. Determine the phosphorus according to Method 3.2 in an aliquot part of the completely clear filtrate.

19. Wash the crucible serveral times with the # M nitric acid until a colourless filtrate is obtained

20. Incubated filtrate can flow from the incubation chamber to a detection channel after a predetermined time.

21. The swirl inducing fluid is the filtrate from the washer (36) after the oxygen bleach (23).

22. After clarification and filtration the lactose content of the filtrate is determined by the Luff-Schoorl method.

23. Transfer into a # ml separating funnel containing # ml of hydrochloric acid solution (#.#), #,# ml of the filtrate obtained in

24. After clarification and filtration the lactose content of the filtrate is determined by the Luff-Schoorl method

25. The latter module was used to collect signal, filtrate signal with band-pass filter and amplify it.

26. Transfer into a # ml separating funnel containing # ml of hydrochloric acid solution, # ml of the filtrate obtained in

27. Transfer 20 ml of the filtrate to a 200-ml conical flask, add 20 ml water and mix.

28. A solubilization model was developed which is used to predict biodegradability of whole samples based on solids and filtrate Biodegradabilities

29. Note: If the filtrate gradually becomes cloudy, make another extraction following # and # in a flask of volume Ve

30. If the filtrate turns yellow after the addition of ferrous sulphate, add # ml of # mol/l orthophosphoric acid

31. The filtrate is adjusted to pH 7,0 ± 1,0 with sodium hydroxide or phosphoric acid, transferred into a culture tank and aerated.

32. Polyester drainage layers at the inlet and outlet allow more fluent passage of the filtrate and thus accelerate the filtration process.

33. The resultant oil is further extracted with alcohol and benzine and the resultant filtrate contains the Amniotin which can be dissolved in water

34. Transfer into a 500 ml separating funnel containing 100 ml of hydrochloric acid solution (3.5), 25,0 ml of the filtrate obtained in (5.2).

35. As a result of application of a pressure difference, liquid is driven through a filter medium and removed as filtrate, while solid accumulates.

36. In the process, the enterprises have to filtrate the indices, enact the index weight, evaluate the marketing risks and give an alarm.

37. Examples: “After removal of the Zinc by filtration, the filtrate was Basified with concentrated NaOH and extracted with three 50-ml portions of ether

38. Pipette identical aliquot parts of filtrate containing 50 to 100 μg of gossypol into each of two 25 ml graduated flasks (A and B).

39. At certain time intervals, filtrate is flushed back through the filter medium counter to the filtration direction and detaches accumulated solid from the filter medium.

40. We filtrate the raw material, adopt orthogonal experiment to determine proportional. The results show that the core sand adhesive has excellent technological property, and has no pollution.

41. The bacteria-free filtrate of biogas slurry had obvious inhibitory effects on Botrytis cinerea pers and Botrytis cinerea, while the weak inhibitory effects on the other 5 vegetable pathogen.

42. It is preferable to work with a small test sample and a relatively large aliquot part of the filtrate, so as to obtain sufficient gossypol for precise photometric measurement to be possible.

43. Solid-liquid separation is conducted to recover the mixed slurry of magnesium sulfite and calcium sulfate, and the filtrate is returned to the absorption tower (1) for cycling absorption.

44. For the determination of total gossypol, the test sample shall be between 0,5 and 5 g, that a 2 ml aliquot part of filtrate will contain 40 to 200 μg of gossypol.

45. In 1911, as a pathologist he made his seminal observation, that a malignant tumor (specifically, a sarcoma) growing on a domestic chicken could be transferred to another fowl simply by exposing the healthy bird to a cell-free filtrate.

Năm 1911, ông làm việc quan sát tinh dịch, thấy rằng một u ác tính (đặc biệt, một sarcoma) lớn lên trong một con gà nuôi ở nhà có thể truyền sang gà khác dễ dàng.

46. ‘You may need to redissolve in hot water, Basify to 9 or 10, add a non-polar solvent, and extract the solvent layer weekly for 3 weeks.’ ‘After removal of the Zinc by filtration, the filtrate was basified with concentrated NaOH and extracted with three 50-ml portions of ether.’

47. The hollow fiber has an Anisotropal porous membrane fistular construction and the ratio of surface area to volume is much larger than for a ultrafiltration membrane, so higher centrifugal force can be exerted, leading to more rapid filtration and more filtrate than can be obtained from traditional centrifugal ultrafiltration

48. This only entails small temperature and pressure losses with respect to the residual quenching water leaving, and only a small additional amount of energy has to be expended to overcome the remaining pressure difference to bring the filtrate that is to be returned back to the gasifying pressure.

49. Moreover, compared with traditional CF-UF, the hollow fiber has an Anisotropal porous membrane fistular construction, and the ratio of surface area to volume is much larger than for a ultrafiltration membrane, so higher centrifugal force can be exerted, leading to more rapid filtration and more filtrate than can be obtained from traditional

50. The present invention relates to a method for preparing volatile fatty acids, and more specifically to a method for preparing volatile fatty acids which comprises a step of chemically or biologically pre-treating seaweed residues to obtain and filter extracts of the seaweed residues, and a step of performing anaerobic fermentation on the obtained filtrate.