final family size in Vietnamese

quy mô gia đình hoàn chỉnh

Sentence patterns related to "final family size"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "final family size" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "final family size", or refer to the context using the word "final family size" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Size and Family Family – Burnets and

2. Topic: Size of family nucleus

3. Who Should Decide Family Size?

4. The family has grown in size recently.

5. It's the abandon-your-family travel size.

6. Size: Adult Billbugs are beetles in the weevil family

7. Holy Father, in these final moments before Your return, heal our broken family.

Cha ơi, trong những giây phút cúi cùng này trước khi Ngài trở lại, xin hãy hàn gắn gia đình tan vỡ của con.

8. But he is, none the less, the head of the family, the final arbiter.

9. The cabin is of moderate size - just right for a small family.

10. 28 However, the final, as yet small, family of cell adhesion molecules bind to carbohydrates.

11. They store the grain in the tikri, or the family- size thatched silo.

12. Quotations ▼ We bid our final Adieus to our family, then boarded the ship, bound for America.

13. What final clue was given as to which family among Abraham’s descendants would produce the Seed?

Manh mối cuối cùng cho biết Dòng Dõi sẽ đến từ gia đình nào trong vòng con cháu của Áp-ra-ham?

14. Newton and Marie Shank received final approval to build 10 single-family homes on 35 acres.

15. The Old World Babblers are a large family, rather diverse in size and coloration

16. The BF561MULTIcore board is a miniature size system based on Analog Devices’ Blackfin family.

17. Using a.125 inch Bleed will make your final file size.25 inches wider horizontally and.25 inches taller vertically

18. The decline in the general fertility rate was matched by a reduction in family size.

19. It has a lot to do with not making a necessity of limiting family size.

20. Objective To study the effect of killing schistosome eggs by the family - size biogas tanks.

21. Large family-size picnic coolers and glass containers are not permitted in the convention facility.

Không được phép mang những chai, hộp thủy tinh vào hội trường.

22. Take your relaxation and therapy to the next level with the family size, spacious Bullfrog Spa

23. Chart D2.4 Low income Cut-Offs (After-Tax) in Canada, by Population and Family Size, 2002

24. Bilabials final consonant deletion final position alveolars final consonant deletion final position palatals final consonant deletion palatal fronting stoppin g final position velars velar assimilation (will affect other target sounds) final consonant deletion velar fronting final position

25. Aaron, the final Masorete of the Ben Asher family tradition, was the first to record and edit this information.

Aaron, người Masorete cuối cùng theo truyền thống của gia đình Ben Asher, là người đầu tiên ghi chép và biên soạn tài liệu này.