ethic in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. các quy tắc xử thế
2. (số nhiều) đạo đức học; đạo lý.

Sentence patterns related to "ethic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ethic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ethic", or refer to the context using the word "ethic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Vanishing Work Ethic

2. The old ethic of hard work has given way to a new ethic of instant gratification.

3. She had a real work ethic.

4. Plain Janes with a work ethic?

Gái xấu có đạo đức nghề nghiệp?

5. I have a strong work ethic.

6. The good old Protestant work ethic.

7. They instilled the work ethic into their children.

8. Probably laissez faire and " Protestant work ethic " helped.

9. This ethic is often used in organized crime.

10. Yet, my dad has a good work ethic.

Cha chu toàn công việc ở sở làm.

11. Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic.

12. He was Accoladed for his work ethic & poise

13. That must be where you get your work ethic.

Chắc cô lấy cảm hứng làm việc từ đó.

14. The ethic of filial duty of Buddhism ethic was the key to Buddhism' s development and one of the main features of Buddhism in China.

15. The work ethic was never very strong in Simon.

16. Mr. Grass inherited his work ethic from his father.

17. See, Andrew has always had this extraordinary work ethic.

Andrew đã luôn giữ đạo đức dù làm công việc bất thường này.

18. Either that, or a different investment ethic prevails there.

19. They've certainly got work ethic and dedication from their dad.

20. Conservation is an ethic of resource use, allocation, and protection.

21. Therefore China"s eco-ethic must follow the nativism way."

22. They can each attest to my hard work ethic and persistence.

23. The official main subject of the school was Christian Ethic Morals.

24. What do I do to teach kids a solid work ethic?

Làm thế nào tôi có thể dạy chúng tin vào sức lao động?

25. You come from a modesty culture. Work ethic, and all that.

26. But, surely a true global ethic is for someone to say,

Nhưng chắc chắn nền đạo đức toàn cầu đích thực là dành cho ai đó nói rằng,

27. “An ethic of conspicuous compassion, where ‘being a nice person’ excuses everything.”

Chỉ có duy nhất một giá trị “đạo đức” tức dung thứ, nghĩa là “một người dễ mến” cũng đủ để được tha thứ mọi tội”.

28. We seem to have less of a work ethic than did our forefathers.

29. Will severe selection standards create elitism and threaten the Olympic ethic of participation?

30. Irvin developed his work ethic because of his father, who was a roofer.

31. * Employment: Develop new job skills, foster a strong work ethic, earn advanced certifications.

32. I firmly believe in the cooperative ethic, I talk about it a lot.

33. Metamorphosis, in turn, certainly represents the horrible imagery of an ethic of lucidity.

34. Coonhound mixes are smart, focused, disciplined, endurance athletes with a tireless, fearless work ethic

35. This situation generated a low working ethic, morale and motivation among the agencies' personnel

36. The assembly program involved common prayers, songs, lectures, and dramas on moral-ethic subjects.

37. I'm sorry to cast Aspersions on Julie, but her work ethic is really terrible

38. Tori is also known for her Advocation of the DIY ( Do-It-Yourself ) work ethic

39. The Conventionalist Ethic If you are not breaking the law it is probably ok, is similar to the Theory of Amorality, criticism of the this ethic is the actions in business directly impact the lives

40. Affectionate and mild-mannered at home, the Bullmastiff has a strong and serious work ethic

41. “To forget all about that good old Anglo-Saxon ethic of stoicism and to cry.

42. Aloofness is the inherent claim of doctors vocation; Empathy is external character of medical ethic.

43. It was rooted in a cast of mind raised to an ethic in the professions.

44. He’s the model of professionalism, Coolheadedness and he possesses a work ethic second to none

45. With a stronger private sector, a more vital ethic of self-help might also emerge.

46. Domestic instruction is an ethic schoolbook of ancient family, it includes rich domestic moral education thought.

47. Weber's essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is his most famous work.

Luận văn Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus là tác phẩm nổi tiếng nhất của Weber.

48. About Tory Akene When you think about trust, loyalty and work ethic; you think of Tory

49. 22 His work ethic and his way of making his column look so easy are unsurpassed.

50. 19, Aloofness is the inherent claim of doctors vocation; Empathy is external character of medical ethic