ethnic in Vietnamese

(thuộc) dân tộc
(thuộc) tộc người

Sentence patterns related to "ethnic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ethnic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ethnic", or refer to the context using the word "ethnic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Eating ethnic was unheard of unless you were ethnic.

Ăn thức ăn dân tộc khác chưa hề được nhắc tới trừ khi bạn là người dân tộc đó.

2. Sub-ethnic and supra-ethnic loyalties were more important to people than ethnicity.

3. The genetic data supported Yao ethnic group was close to Mongoloid ethnic groups.

4. Ethnic Albanians are bilingual.

5. My mom was real careful not to makes ethnic jokes or snide ethnic remarks.

6. The shooting inflamed ethnic tensions.

7. Ethnic soldiers, messiahs, and Cockalorums

8. Until 2014, self-identified Arameans in Israel were registered as ethnic Arabs or without ethnic identity

9. The Austro-Hungarian Empire caused ethnic tension between the German Austrians and the other ethnic groups

10. At the fourth ("township") level, 1 ethnic sumu (the Evenk Ethnic Sumu) and over 270 ethnic townships also exist, but are not considered to be autonomous and do not enjoy the laws pertaining to the larger ethnic autonomous areas.

Ở cấp hành chính thứ tư, cấp ("trấn"), 1 tô mộc dân tộc (của người Evenk) và 270 hương dân tộc cũng tồn tại, nhưng không có nhiều quyền tự trị như các cấp lớn hơn.

11. Americanizing & Modernizing Ethnic Identities

12. Race/ethnic-based Assortive mating

13. Many Brooklyn neighborhoods are ethnic enclaves.

Nhiều khu dân cư của Brooklyn là những khu vực sắc tộc biệt lập.

14. 4 The shooting inflamed ethnic tensions.

15. Ethnic Groups Of Cameroon The Bamileke

16. This actor is Bouyei ethnic minority.

17. Arenosity Gapland forgathering hypomnesia diksha ethnic

18. Declarations of racial Antipathy against ethnic

19. Ethnic groups similar to or like Bashkirs

20. Ethnic groups similar to or like Asturians

21. The country is divided along ethnic lines.

22. Five ethnic Albanians were convicted of the 2012 killings of five ethnic Macedonians in Skopje after a high-profile retrial in a case that has sparked ethnic tensions in the country.

23. Abbreviations for Continents, Countries, and Ethnic Groups

24. Ethnic tension has also plagued northern Ghana.

Căng thẳng sắc tộc cũng tàn phát phía bắc Ghana.

25. Others belong to the Rakhine ethnic group.

26. 10 The ethnic mosaic of the neighborhoods.

27. Aran cable woollen cardigan with ethnic embroidery, £

28. In addition, the Ethnic Minority Business Forum represents the interests of ethnic minorities and has an access to finance subgroup.

29. Acyl is an experimental ethnic Metal band

30. California Adopts first statewide ethnic studies curriculum

31. Other ethnic groups made up the remainder.

Các nhóm Kitô hữu khác chiếm phần còn lại.

32. Freelance Accordionist specializing in international ethnic music

33. Ethnic minorities currently comprise 19% of volunteers.

Người thiểu số hiện chiếm 19% tổng số tình nguyện viên.

34. Ethnic groups also celebrate their own festivals.

Các dân tộc cũng cử hành các lễ hội riêng của họ.

35. Ethnic tensions have dominated politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the Dayton Accords ended the inter-ethnic war in 1995

36. Bushmen’ or ‘San’ are not one ethnic group

37. Ethnic rivalries threaten to tear this country apart.

38. Ethnic Chinese preponderate in the population of Singapore.

39. It may rip itself up with ethnic conflicts.

40. His tutor is from the Pumi ethnic group.

41. Or whatever ethnic culinary delights you are offered.

42. Bemas (Black and Ethnic Minority Advice Service) Overview

43. Ethnic Composition: Black- 95%, mulatto and European- 5%.

44. Berbers - an ethnic minority descended from Berbers and Arabs and living in northern Africa Arab-Berbers ethnic minority - a group that has

45. In the mid-1960’s, animosity between ethnic groups in northern and eastern Nigeria led to disturbances, revolts, lawlessness, and ethnic violence.

Giữa thập niên 1960, mối hận thù giữa các sắc tộc ở miền bắc và tây Nigeria đưa đến xáo động, nổi loạn, sự phi pháp và bạo động giữa các sắc tộc.

46. Also, it is likely that in many areas, ethnic groups overlapped and the ethnic map was a patchwork of dispersed sub-groups.

Ngoài ra, còn có khả năng ở nhiều khu vực, các nhóm dân tộc này phân bố chồng chéo và bản đồ phân bố các dân tộc là một sự chắp vá từ sự phân tán của các nhóm phụ.

47. Some ethnic Cuisines have gained a bad wrap

48. 2 words related to Azeri: ethnic group, ethnos

49. Knowledge of God —The Basis for Ethnic Harmony

Sự hiểu biết về Đức Chúa Trời—Nền tảng cho sự hòa hợp giữa sắc tộc

50. The issues were, of course, ethnic sectarian violence.

Dĩ nhiên, lại là vấn đề về bạo lực giáo phái dân tộc.