envious in Vietnamese

Tính từ
thèm muốn, ghen tị, đố kỵ

Sentence patterns related to "envious"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "envious" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "envious", or refer to the context using the word "envious" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Am I just envious?

Có phải tôi ganh tỵ không?

2. I'm really rather envious.

Tôi thật sự ganh tị

3. Opposition From Envious Neighbors

Bị những nước lân cận ganh tị chống đối

4. To be envious or suspicious

Ghen ghét hay nghi ngờ

5. Am I an envious man?

Tôi có phải là một người ganh tị không?

6. We are all envious of you.

Tất cả chúng ta ở đây đều ghen tị với ngài đấy.

7. Tell you the truth, I'm kinda envious.

Nói thật với cô, tôi khá là ganh tị đấy.

8. Why was Asaph “envious of the boasters”?

Tại sao A-sáp “ganh-ghét kẻ kiêu-ngạo”?

9. My success makes other people envious.

Thành công của con khiến người khác ghen tức.

10. Everyone is so envious of her.

11. She tried not to appear envious.

12. Do I sound envious? I pity them, actually.

13. I don't think I'm envious of your success.

14. She cast envious glances at her sister's dress.

15. 22 An envious* man is eager for wealth,

22 Kẻ ghen tị* ham mê sự giàu sang

16. You are nothing... but an envious old bitch.

Bà chẳng là gì ngoài một con điếm già đang ghen tị cả.

17. • Friends make you envious of what they have.

• Bạn bè khiến bạn ghen tỵ với những gì họ có.

18. He had always felt envious of his brother.

19. Or is your eye envious* because I am good?’

Hay là mắt anh đố kỵ* vì tôi có lòng tốt?’.

20. Does this make them feel envious or covetous?

Điều này có làm họ cảm thấy ganh tị hoặc thèm thuồng không?

21. Don't tell me any more?you're making me envious!

22. I'm very envious of your new coat - it's lovely.

23. She was envious of her sister's new fashionable dress.

24. My feet were the embarrassing target of envious gazes.

25. An envious heart can't be original. Toba Beta 

26. I'm so envious of you getting an extra day's holiday.

27. Funny, a few weeks ago, I'd have been envious of her.

Thật tức cười, vài tuần trước, em còn ghen tỵ với nó.

28. Carnality is killing the church, is envious, and brings distress

29. He saw the envious look in the other boy's eyes.

30. His half brothers, with envious eyes, saw him coming from afar.

31. Politicians all too often pander to the envious tendencies among the electorate.

32. Don't let opposition from those envious of your talents daunt your progress.

33. Are others of us envious of those who now enjoy such growth?

Chúng ta có ganh tị với các Nhân-chứng hiện có sự tăng trưởng như thế không?

34. We are envious of everyone except our own children, the Talmud says.

35. The number of envious, prejudiced, cold-hearted and selfish people will no doubt increase.

36. One of the fantasies of the envious is that the other has everything.

37. The pathetic lot of the envious person is set forth in the inspired proverb: “A man of envious [literally, “bad; evil”] eye is Bestirring himself after valuable things, but he does not know that want itself will come upon him.” The person with an envious eye is actually heading for want

38. But vi programmers no longer need cast envious glances towards Emacs' parenthetical scripting language.

39. Asaph admits: “I became envious . . . when I would see the very peace of wicked people.”

A-sáp thú nhận: “Khi tôi thấy sự hưng-thịnh của kẻ ác, thì có lòng ganh-ghét”.

40. Instead of resisting the human inclination to be greedy and envious, they stole public property.

41. ($750,000) A plush townhouse strategically located in the envious Cantonments area to provide easy 7 Photos

42. What should parents avoid doing so that one child does not become envious of another child?

Cha mẹ phải tránh làm gì để đứa con này khỏi ganh tị với đứa khác?

43. Make the others envious of him, Lais, so that Karl will preen himself in his glory.

44. 3:11, 12) Do not become envious of those who are making the most of this world.

Đừng ganh tị với những người tận hưởng tối đa trong thế gian này.

45. When you talk to Clementina Richardson the founder of Envious Lashes about her business her passion is infectious

46. (Proverbs 29:22) Cain and Saul became angry because each, in his own way, was jealous and envious.

(Châm-ngôn 29:22) Ca-in và Sau-lơ nổi giận vì mỗi người, theo cách riêng của mình, đã ghen ghét và đố kỵ.

47. For I became envious of the boasters, when I would see the very peace of wicked people.”

Vì khi tôi thấy sự hưng-thịnh của kẻ ác, thì có lòng ganh-ghét kẻ kiêu-ngạo”.

48. I gasped at her beauty and, like the rest, threw envious glances at her most fortunate husband.

49. Robert's new job sounds very nice - I'm envious of him / I'm full of envy / I envy him.

50. There is a depth of flavors involved in Swiss Absinthes that some other regions should be envious of