endanger in Vietnamese

Ngoại Động từ
làm nguy hiểm đến; gây nguy hiểm cho

Sentence patterns related to "endanger"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "endanger" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "endanger", or refer to the context using the word "endanger" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Harmful associations especially endanger youths.

Bạn bè xấu đặc biệt gây nguy hiểm cho những người trẻ.

2. Such sights will endanger the child.

Nó gây nguy hiểm cho đứa bé.

3. Why take risks that endanger your life?

Tại sao lại liều lĩnh để làm nguy hại đến tính mạng bạn?

4. Development of the area would endanger wildlife.

5. We're not allowed to endanger the ETA members.

Chúng tôi không được phép gây nguy hiểm cho các thành viên ETA.

6. Such offences as his profoundly endanger public security.

7. 6 Development of the area would endanger wildlife.

8. Taking these drugs could seriously endanger your health.

9. Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.

10. Bad enough to endanger yourself, but to encourage Emmeline...

Tự gây nguy hiểm cho mình, lại còn xúi dại Emmeline...

11. 11 Smoking during pregnancy can endanger your baby's health.

12. 5 The debate could endanger the proposed peace talks.

13. 4 Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.

14. 2 You will endanger your health if you smoke.

15. Calcium would endanger the health of patients with psoriasis.

16. Autocratic style of leadership may endanger the organisational efficiency.

17. 13 Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.

18. 1 Taking these drugs could seriously endanger your health.

19. This syphilis could also endanger the life of your baby.

20. 11. (a) What attitude might endanger our relationship with Jehovah?

11. a) Thái độ nào có thể làm nguy hại sự liên lạc của chúng ta với Đức Chúa Trời?

21. It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.

22. If they push for environmental protection, they endanger the economy.

Còn nếu ủng hộ việc bảo vệ môi trường, thì nền kinh tế bị đe dọa.

23. 14 Both countries claimed the proposals would not endanger whale populations.

24. 8 He denied possessing a rifle with intent to endanger life.

25. 10 It was foolish to endanger your life in that way.

26. Cytotoxic wastes, have the potential to severely endanger human health and wellness.

27. 18 They are accused of causing an explosion likely to endanger life.

28. 3 He would never do anything to endanger the lives of his children.

29. By not doing anything that will endanger our life or other people’s lives.

Bằng cách không làm bất cứ điều gì gây nguy hại đến sự sống của mình hay của người khác.

30. And such factors as ozone-layer depletion will not endanger life on earth.

Và các sự kiện như là lớp xú dưỡng khí (ozone) bị tiêu hủy sẽ không còn gây ra nguy hiểm cho sự sống trên đất.

31. 5 Misuse of the equipment could endanger the lives of staff and students.

32. 9 Misuse of the equipment could endanger the lives of staff and students.

33. But recreation should refresh us, not endanger our spirituality or encroach on spiritual activities.

Tuy nhiên, việc giải trí phải mang lại khoan khoái cho chúng ta, chứ không gây nguy hiểm cho đời sống thiêng liêng hoặc lấn át các hoạt động thiêng liêng.

34. Some take on too much work, slowly wear down, and endanger their own health.

Một số thì làm việc quá nhiều, dần dần kiệt sức và làm tổn hại đến sức khỏe của mình.

35. 16 The police charged her with possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life.

36. Eating too few Calories can endanger your health by depriving you of needed nutrients

37. Higher speeds on a surface with a low adhesion endanger the test driver unnecessarily.

38. 11 We will endanger our country if we demote our most noble and talented citizens.

39. So as not to endanger this activity, I was told not to circulate any literature.

40. Does it involve thrills that could endanger my health or even cripple me for life?

Có tính chất táo bạo, khích động có thể gây nguy hại cho sức khỏe hoặc thậm chí làm tàn tật suốt đời không?

41. 19 We must be careful not to do anything that might endanger the economic recovery.

42. The pilot refused to endanger the lives of his passengers by making an unscheduled landing.

43. 7 Aid agencies still fear that crop substitution projects will endanger the lives of their staff.

44. Oil spills devastate the natural environment, endanger public health, imperil drinking water and disrupt the economy.

45. 17 The war risked setting off a perilous chain reaction that would endanger the whole world.

46. 20 Aid agencies still fear that crop substitution projects will endanger the lives of their staff.

47. 7 The fear that airstrikes could endanger troops is moot now that the army is withdrawing.

48. But what I see is a tired lifer who'll do anything not to endanger his pension.

Nhưng tôi thì thấy... một ông lão mệt mỏi bất chấp tất cả để không mất tiền lương hưu.

49. 13 The pilot refused to endanger the lives of his passengers by making an unscheduled landing.

50. Engaging in such activities would go against Bible principles and would endanger our physical or spiritual health.