en masse in Vietnamese

Phó từ
(tiếng Pháp)
1. ồ ạt; nhất tề
2. gộp lại; cả đống, toàn thể

Sentence patterns related to "en masse"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "en masse" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "en masse", or refer to the context using the word "en masse" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. They just converge on the ball en masse.

2. Sir, beyond the trees, the French infantry advancing en masse.

Phía sau hàng cây, bộ binh Pháp đang tiến tới rất đông.

3. Overwhelmed by the throngs, waiters and waitresses quit en masse.

Bị choáng ngợp bởi quá đông người, các nhân viên bồi bàn đồng loạt bỏ việc.

4. The Irish seem to be losing their faith en masse.

Dường như hàng loạt người Ai Len đang bị mất đức tin.

5. He was killed, and his army quickly surrendered en masse.

Bành Dục Vân tử chiến, và quân đội của ông nhanh chóng đầu hàng hàng loạt.

6. Jonah obeyed, and as a result, the Ninevites repented en masse.

Giô-na tuân lệnh và kết quả là hết thảy dân thành Ni-ni-ve đã ăn năn.

7. Belladonna Lilies are most attractive in the landscape when planted en masse

8. Victims died en masse, for there was no effective treatment or cure.

9. 9 Individually the children are delightful; en masse they can be unbearable.

10. On the approach Of the enemy, the inhaBitants fled : from the city en masse.

11. Their affinity group joins others so they can move en masse to the target.

12. In gross, 1502; by the lot, 1622; en masse, Agreat or altogether, 1580

13. Eventually, en masse, they brave the descent and fill the branches of their favourite trees.

Cuối cùng, theo từng bầy, chúng lao xuống và đậu kín hết các cành cây chúng ưa thích.

14. Agreat in gross, 1502; by the lot, 1622; en masse, Agreat or altogether, 1580

15. The audience cheered en masse the moment they saw the famous singer appear on the stage.

16. Returning en masse in the evening, a veritable cloud of birds descends on the dovecote.

Vào lúc chiều tối, như một đám mây, cả bầy chim bồ câu lũ lượt bay về chuồng.

17. My father got hired and fired a lot, usually en masse with entire coaching staffs.

18. “Churchmen, including high officials of both Protestant and Catholic denominations, were recruited en masse as secret informers.

19. And actually what's quite amazing about this technology as well is that you can create bespoke products en masse.

Và điều làm nên sự tuyệt vời cho công nghệ này là bạn có thể tạo ra hàng loạt sản phẩm với các kích cỡ khác nhau.

20. Then suddenly, under the cover of darkness, the birds take to the air en masse and fly away.

Rồi khi màn đêm buông xuống, những con hồng hạc thình lình cất cánh lên từng bầy và bay đi.

21. In peacetime, executions followed summary hearings, but during an uprising, rebels were put to death on the spot and en masse.

Vào thời bình thì có những cuộc xét xử đơn giản trước khi thi hành án tử hình, nhưng trong lúc hỗn loạn thì những kẻ nổi loạn bị hành quyết hàng loạt ngay lập tức.

22. After the church declared its victory in this dispute, copies of the Talmud were burned en masse in the public squares.

23. The Assyrians deported the population en masse from its homeland in Canaan, transplanting it virtually in toto to the southern shores of the Caspian Sea

24. For example, following the Indian Ocean monsoon, the Christmas Island red crab (Gecarcoidea natalis) migrates en masse, forming a "living carpet" of crabs.

Sau gió mùa Ấn Độ Dương, cua đỏ đảo Christmas (Gecarcoidea natalis) di cư hàng loạt tạo thành một "thảm sống" cua.

25. Internet connection errors, getting stuck on Authenticating, and cannot connect to servers in Outriders demo are problems that people are currently encountering en masse

26. During the later stages of World War I's Caucasus Campaign, following the October Revolution and the civil war, the Russian troops abandoned the Caucasus en masse.

27. 18 Instead of beating the bushes for customers with individual referrals or scattershot ads, you can tap into a targeted group of consumers en masse to jumpstart sales.

28. Collectively: adverb altogether , as a group , as a whole , as one , en banc , en bloc , en masse , fully , in a body , in all , in conjunction, in its entirety

29. Two of these Auxotrophs were complemented by a cosmid gene library of the wild‐type strain established in Escherichia coli that was transferred en masse to the mutants by conjugation.

30. In Britain, “steaming” is a new word to describe the activity of teenagers who swarm en masse into a store, a bus, or a train, intimidating those they encounter.

31. Vote Brigading is the practice of mobilizing a campaign within an online community to promote or undermine a targeted page, user or belief en masse through the user-voting system

32. On November 17, 1989, nine days after the fall of the Berlin Wall roughly 200 miles to the north, students gather en masse in Prague, Czechoslovakia to protest the communist regime

33. In 2001 and 2002, several riots broke out at Sangatte, and groups of migrants (up to 550 in a December 2001 incident) stormed the fences and attempted to enter en masse.

Năm 2001 và 2002, nhiều cuộc bạo động đã bùng phát tại Sangatte và các nhóm người tị nạn (lên tới 550 trong một vụ việc vào tháng 12 năm 2001) đã giật đổ các hàng rào và tìm cách tràn vào với chiến thuật biển người.

34. The barcodes are sequenced en masse, and the exact location of each Barcoded bead is indexed using innovative software developed by a team led by Chen, who is an NIH Director’s Early Independence awardee

35. It has initiated an internet crackdown on “online rumors” and “pornography,” detained “big Vs” (online opinion leaders), closed WeChat and QQ accounts en masse, and issued judicial interpretation expanding existing definitions of crime to include peaceful online expression.

36. But while the San Jose Bike Party involves thousands of people acting ridiculously en masse, Portlanders prefer to sort of "Atomize" their rides by humiliating themselves in highly specific ways.BSNYC Road Dairy: Last Stop Portland

37. Established in the 1950s by André Bazin, Joseph-Marie Lo Duca, and Jacques Doniol-Valcroze, France’s Cahiers du cinéma has gone through major changes this year, with their staff quitting en masse to protest new ownership

38. But neither Khrushchev, nor Mikhail Gorbachev, nor Boris Yeltsin were able to uproot Russia’s stubborn culture of indifference and subordination, precisely because they insisted on top-down change and expected that the Russian people would simply acquiesce en masse.

39. The breach of the Rhine borders in the frozen winter of 406 and 407 made an end to the Roman presence at the Rhine when both the Romans and the allied Franks were overrun by a tribal migration en masse of Vandals and Alans.

Sự tan vỡ tuyến biên giới Rhine vào mùa đông lạnh giá năm 406 và 407 đã chấm dứt sự hiện diện của La Mã tại sông Rhine, khi cả người La Mã và đồng minh người Frank đều bị cuộc di cư ồ ạt của các man tộc Vandal và Alan giày xéo.

40. Roughly a month and a half after having been laid, the surviving eggs hatch, and the young turtles, each small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, squirm to the surface, emerging from the sand en masse, and making their desperate dash for the sea.

Một tháng rưỡi sau khi đẻ ra, những quả trứng sống sót sẽ nở và các chú rùa nhỏ, đủ nhỏ để nằm gọn trong lòng bàn tay, ngoi lên bề mặt, nổi lên từ cát và lấy hết sức đâm mình ra biển.

41. In an effort to save the millions of books contained in the British Library, researchers at the University of Surrey have developed “a way to treat books en masse to strengthen the paper and guard against future damage from acid” disintegration, reports The Independent of London.

42. (Rhinoceros Auklets are not the most agile fliers, and coming to land at night helps prevent them from falling prey to the island's several marauding bald eagles.) There is one time, however, when rhinoceros Auklets can be seen fairly easily on land, and that is when they die en masse

43. In Region 37 in the Western Zone, 742 Khmer Rumdo surrendered en masse to the Lon Nol regime in March 1974, claiming they were part of a force of ten thousand who would follow if Nol gave them operational autonomy to carry on their fight against their Communist Party rivals.

Tại vùng 37 ở khu Tây, 742 binh sĩ Khmer Rumdo đầu hàng đồng loạt chế độ Lon Nol vào tháng 3 năm 1974, tuyên bố họ là một phần của lực lượng mười ngàn người sẽ quy thuận nếu Lon Nol ban cho họ quyền tự chủ hoạt động để thực hiện cuộc chiến chống lại đối thủ Đảng Cộng sản nhưng đã bị từ chối.

44. The terms Hunky and Bohunk can be applied to various Slavic and Hungarian immigrants who moved to America from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.The immigrants came en masse prior to the turn of the twentieth century (starting around 1880) seeking opportunity and religious freedom [citation needed].The Hunkies' image was a departure from Hungarian prestige that peaked around Lajos …

45. Subject: Aid to Christians driven out of the Molucca Islands Particular attention should be drawn to the persecution, violence and terror perpetrated against the Christian population of the Molucca Islands in Indonesia by Jihad militants, especially on the island of Ambon, which has resulted in the desecration and burning of churches, Christians being forced to flee en masse, and a large number of deaths.