blood feuds in Vietnamese

danh từ
mối thù truyền kiếp

Sentence patterns related to "blood feuds"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "blood feuds" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "blood feuds", or refer to the context using the word "blood feuds" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. But such societies have often ended up riven by blood feuds.

Tuy nhiên, những xã hội đó thường đi đến chỗ cấu xé nhau bởi những mối tử thù.

2. Blood feuds are erupting between tribes, races, and ethnic or religious groups.

Những mối cừu hận gia đình đang bùng nổ giữa các bộ lạc, chủng tộc, sắc dân hoặc tôn giáo.

3. Kegan said, “it was possible” as Arawaks and Caribs were enemies but they often lived side by side with occasional intermarriage before blood feuds erupted, and he suggested that maybe there was some cannibalism involved, because if you needed to terrify your enemies “eating them is a