blood loss in Vietnamese

sự mất máu

Sentence patterns related to "blood loss"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "blood loss" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "blood loss", or refer to the context using the word "blood loss" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. * Trauma involving blood loss

* Chấn thương làm mất máu

2. It can refer to blood loss inside the body, called internal Bleeding, or to blood loss outside of the body, called

3. Perioperative blood loss is compensated by allogenic blood transfusion.

4. You may be low in iron because of blood loss .

Bạn có thể bị thiếu chất sắt vì mất máu .

5. Reduced blood loss, including amenorrhea, increases hemoglobin and iron levels.

6. ▪ Hypotensive anesthesia reduces blood loss by lowering blood pressure.

▪ Gây mê giảm huyết áp làm bệnh nhân ít mất máu bằng cách hạ áp huyết.

7. ‘Menorrhagia, or excessive menstrual blood loss, is defined as blood loss of 80 mL per month and can be associated with ovulatory and Anovulatory ovarian cycles.’

8. The Maximum Allowable Blood Loss (ABL) estimates the maximum Allowable blood loss intraoperatively before transfusion should be considered, based on initial hemoglobin, weight and final hemoglobin

9. Dividing large surgeries into several smaller ones decreases total blood loss.

10. Bleeding, also called hemorrhage, is the name used to describe blood loss

11. (9) What techniques are being used to minimize blood loss during surgery?

(9) Những kỹ thuật nào đang được áp dụng để giảm thiểu sự mất máu trong lúc phẫu thuật?

12. (5) When severe blood loss occurs, what two urgent priorities do doctors have?

(5) Khi có sự mất máu trầm trọng, các bác sĩ có hai điều ưu tiên khẩn cấp nào?

13. This unique Castrating tool helps reduce blood loss and hemorrhage through the severed cord

14. In medicine 'Cc' is also common, for example "100 Cc of blood loss

15. May be related to low intake of iron, poor absorption of iron or blood loss.

16. The average blood loss during menstruation is 35 milliliters with 10–80 ml considered normal.

Thể tích trung bình của chất lỏng kinh nguyệt trong một chu kỳ hàng tháng là 35 ml với 10–80 ml được coi là điển hình.

17. He pointed out that there are many alternatives to blood in compensating for blood loss.

18. If blood loss during operation has been excessive, previously cross-matched blood will be transfused.

19. When he has become weakened from blood loss, the Banderilleros run him in circles until …

20. 24 Iron deficiency anaemia is commonly caused by chronic blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract.

21. The sucking action of my baby would assist the uterus to contract, controlling blood loss.

22. Coagulation: Process of forming a Blood clot to prevent Blood loss from a ruptured vessel.

23. Bleeding must be taken care of as soon as possible to prevent too much blood loss.

Việc chảy máu phải được chăm sóc càng sớm càng tốt để ngăn ngừa quá nhiều mất máu.

24. In the case of rapid blood loss, what is needed, and how can the problem be treated?

25. Other medications greatly reduce blood loss during surgery (aprotinin, antifibrinolytics) or help to reduce acute bleeding (desmopressin).

Những thứ thuốc khác giảm hẳn sự mất máu trong khi giải phẫu (aprotinin, antifibrinolytics) hay giúp giảm bớt sự xuất huyết cấp tính (desmopressin).

26. The bull is still stabbed with Banderillas by a matador, causing deep wounds and significant blood loss

27. Other risks include severe blood loss (which may require a blood transfusion) and postdural-puncture spinal headaches.

28. • Treat underlying causes of hypoxia (e.g., administer blood for severe anemia or acute and significant blood loss)

29. When the tissues of our body are injured, excessive blood loss is prevented by the Clotting of blood

30. Efficient emergency treatment relies upon being able to stem the blood loss with a tourniquet around the foot.

31. A Coagulation cascade is the process by which the body forms blood clots to prevent excess blood loss

32. With the use of hypotensive anesthesia to minimize blood loss, she had a total hip and shoulder replacement.

Người ta gây mê giảm huyết áp để giảm thiểu sự mất máu và thay nguyên cả vai và hông cho bà ấy.

33. ‘Menorrhagia, or excessive menstrual blood loss, is defined as blood loss of 80 mL per month and can be associated with ovulatory and Anovulatory ovarian cycles.’ More example sentences ‘One third or more of menstrual cycles in women with generalized seizures are Anovulatory.’

34. If successful, such a blood substitute could save many lives, particularly in trauma where massive blood loss results.

35. The examples of medical and surgical Asepsis are used to show surgeons how to control blood loss in the clinical setting

36. Patient surveys indicate they chose the procedure based on expectations of decreased morbidity, improved outcomes, reduced blood loss and less pain.

37. Products developed from human or animal hemoglobin have been used to treat patients who have acute anemia or massive blood loss.

38. (7) How may doctors (a) minimize blood loss, (b) conserve red blood cells, (c) stimulate blood production, and (d) recover lost blood?

(7) Các bác sĩ có thể làm thế nào để (a) giảm thiểu tình trạng mất máu, (b) giữ lượng hồng huyết cầu, (c) kích thích sản xuất hồng cầu, và (d) thu hồi máu?

39. An intravenous solution of hydroxyethyl starch is used to prevent shock following severe blood loss caused by trauma, surgery, or other problem.

Một dung dịch hydroxyethyl starch truyền tĩnh mạch được sử dụng để ngăn chặn sốc sau mất máu do chấn thương, phẫu thuật, hoặc nguyên nhân khác.

40. There are three main reasons people become Anemic: blood loss, a reduction in the body's ability to produce new red blood cells, …

41. The effect of synthetic colloids used for compensating the blood loss, further aggravates the situation through their specific action on the hemostatic system.

42. Biosurgery products play a critical role in controlling blood loss, healing wounds, and in closing the surgical sites during different types of surgeries

43. This compliment reminded him of what he was well-aware of —that careful use of the scalpel keeps blood loss to a minimum.

Lời khen ấy nhắc nhở ông về điều ông thừa biết, đó là cẩn thận dùng dao mổ để giảm thiểu mất máu.

44. Muscle Bleeds can cause significant blood loss inside the body and put pressure on nerves and blood vessels, potentially leading to serious damage

45. Yin bright, blood loss-less, not set by circulating never can lead to blood stasis. Therefore, Qi venae stagnancy Diabetes is a major disease pathogenesis.

46. The hyperbaric oxygen chamber too is used in certain facilities to help supplement the oxygen needs of a patient who has suffered severe blood loss.

Ở một số bệnh viện, các bác sĩ cũng dùng phòng oxy có áp suất cao để bổ sung nhu cầu oxy của một bệnh nhân đã mất nhiều máu.

47. As long as you do not have heavy blood loss , a fever , weakness , or other signs of infection , you can let a miscarriage follow its own course .

Chừng nào mà bạn không có xuất huyết nặng , sốt , yếu , hoặc các dấu hiệu khác của nhiễm trùng , bạn có thể để việc sẩy thai tự nó diễn ra .

48. It is an important way to control and prevent excessive blood loss. Various Bandaging techniques are also used to minimize swelling and provide support to an injured area

49. If the first procedure had resulted in significant blood loss, the interval would have given my body time to produce more red blood cells prior to the second procedure.

Nếu phẫu thuật lần đầu mất quá nhiều máu, thì cơ thể cần thời gian để sản xuất hồng cầu trước khi phẫu thuật lần hai.

50. It is one cause of hyperventilation with others including infection, blood loss, heart attack, hypocapnia or alkalosis due to chemical imbalances, decreased cerebral blood flow, and increased nerve sensitivity.

Đó là một trong những nguyên nhân gây giảm thông khí với những người khác bao gồm nhiễm trùng, mất máu, đau tim, hypocapnia hoặc kiềm do mất cân bằng hóa học, giảm lưu lượng máu não và tăng độ nhạy cảm thần kinh.