basis cranii interna in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "basis cranii interna"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "basis cranii interna" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "basis cranii interna", or refer to the context using the word "basis cranii interna" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. M1 dari Terminal Arteri karotis interna ke bifurkasio/ trifurkasio, disebut segmen horizontal

2. Backlashes that targeted the formal authority of interna-tional courts

3. Traduzioni in contesto per "Combustione" in italiano-inglese da Reverso Context: impianti di Combustione, a Combustione interna, grandi impianti di Combustione, motore a Combustione interna, motori a Combustione

4. Own land ; the Basilyst iuvented by him is, in the opinion of many to-day, the best known perforator for the head, including the basis cranii, and the Basilyst tractor has also much to recommend it

5. La struttura interna è in massello di Abete e multistrato di pioppo

6. Auditoria interna tem como função principal avaliar o processo de gestão

7. Serviços de Apoio Doméstico Interna - Externa - Crianças - Idosos - Férias

8. Basis Basis Releases More Secure BLM

9. Las hemorragias supratentoriales tienen déficits sensitivo-motores Contralaterales de diferente grado, dependiendo del nivel de afectación de la cápsula interna

10. Legal basis

11. Question:Is this on a grant basis or some cost-sharing basis?

12. In arterial walls collagen type III was detected immediately underlaying the endothelial cell layer and in the tissue between tunica elastica interna and adventitia.

13. Accrual basis accounting

14. RECTO Y PERINÉ: El área de Antisepsia incluye, el pubis, los genitales externos, el perineo, y el ano, la cara interna de los muslos

15. Some groups thus introduced cash basis accounting and others accruals basis accounting.

16. This is the basis of animism, and animism is the basis of religion.

17. The actions to be taken by navigators to prevent collisions with other vessels are specified in the Interna tional Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS 72).

18. Accounting basis: the accrual, modified accrual, modified cash or cash basis of accounting.

19. 1 MOTORI A Combustione INTERNA Sono MACCHINE MOTRICI TERMICHE in cui l’energia termica (CALORE) viene prodotta all’interno della stessa macchina bruciando un combustibile gassoso o liquido facilmente nebulizzabile

20. Actual expenditure (budget basis)


22. Accrual basis of accounting

23. accrual basis of accounting.

24. What is the difference between Basis and Bases? Number: Basis is a singular noun.

25. Croatia – Applies modified cash basis.