basis points in Vietnamese

danh từ
(tài chính) điểm cơ bản (thang độ lãi suất, tỷ giá hoặc các chỉ số)

Sentence patterns related to "basis points"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "basis points" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "basis points", or refer to the context using the word "basis points" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 17 The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread rose 7 basis points to 42 basis points.

2. 18 The benchmark five-year deutsche mark swap spread rose 2 basis points to 47 basis points.

3. Additional remuneration for excess in basis points

4. "Gold imports alone have contributed nearly 40 basis points to the 130 basis points widening in India's current account deficit between FY'08 and FY'11," Macquarie said.

5. The increased risk was reflected in the additional premium of 200 basis points.

6. 19 The benchmark 5-year sterling swap spread was unchanged at 34 basis points.

7. In over a period of eight months, we contracted more than 120 basis points.

8. By contrast, the interest rate on bank overdrafts to households declined by only 13 basis points.

9. Basis points (Bps) represent a unit that is employed to measure interest rates and other financial percentages

10. further contractual default interest, accruing at the annual rate of 3,5 % (350 basis points), until payment is made;

11. Since January, the Bank has cut the Bank Rate by a total of 100 basis points to support growth in aggregate demand.

12. - Reduced sovereign risks—Vietnam’s credit default swap (CDS) is about 250 basis points in June 2013 compared to about 350 in June 2012.

- Mức độ rủi ro tín dụng quốc gia được cải thiện: tỷ lệ rủi ro hoán đối tín dụng (CDS) giảm từ mức 350 điểm cơ bản ( tháng 6/2012) xuông khoảng 250 điểm cơ bản (tháng 6/2013)

13. Bunds yields declined almost eight basis points through June and July to -0.524%, compared with fair value of -0.34% on a modeled curve, based …

14. The estimates imply that the long-run intermediation spread is about 180 basis points at both terms, and that the mortgage rate and the GIC rate adjust

15. 13 When Brazil's Central Bank raised its benchmark Selic rate by 25 basis points this month, at least two major investment houses thought the increase was way too dovish.

16. Betterment's average fees on their ETFs are 0.10% or 10 basis points for my asset allocation (90% stocks, 10% bonds) plus the 0.25% management fee (for accounts $10,000-$99,999)

17. At 68 basis points, the Clou management fee is high for passive funds, but niche products aren’t designed to be core portfolio products for set-it-and-forget-it investors

18. Basis points, otherwise known as Bps or "bips," are a unit of measure used in finance to describe the percentage change in the value or rate of a financial instrument.

19. * State Bank of Vietnam has reduced policy rates by 300 basis points in a period of eight weeks and the Government tries to support affected enterprises by deferring tax payments and lowering land lease fees.

* Ngân hàng Nhà nước Việt Nam đã giảm lãi suất chính sách 300 điểm cơ bản (ba điểm phần trăm) chỉ trong vòng hơn tám tuần qua và Chính phủ hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp thông qua việc gia hạn thời gian nộp thuế và giảm phí thuê đất.

20. International capital flows to developing countries, which fell 30 percent in the second quarter of 2012, have recovered and bond spreads have declined to below their long-term average levels of around 282 basis points.

Luồng vốn nước ngoài vào các nước đang phát triển sau khi sụt giảm 30% trong quý 2 năm 2012 đã hồi phục trở lại, và chênh lệch lãi suất trái phiếu đã giảm xuống dưới mức bình quân dài hạn khoảng 282 điểm cơ bản.

21. redeem or subscribe at the actual NAV per unit or share which shall be rounded to 4 decimal places, or less where the constant NAV deviates from the actual NAV by more than 20 basis points;

22. The state-owned mining firm , which had its long-term credit rating cut by Standard&Poor 's in December 2010 , was seeking a $ 150 million facility last year with an all - in rate , which included margin and fees , of 318 basis points , the source told the newspaper .

Theo một nguồn tin cung cấp , các công ty khai thác mỏthuộc sở hữu Nhà nước bị giảm xếp hạng tín dụng dài hạn bởi Standard&Poor vào tháng 10 năm 2010 , năm trước đã kiếm được 1 khoản tiền 150 triệu đô với mức cước toàn bộ ( bao gồm lãi suất chiết khấu và phí hoa hồng ) , từ 318 điểm cơ bản .