altimeters in Vietnamese

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reflection altimeter: cái đo độ cao phản xạ

Sentence patterns related to "altimeters"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "altimeters" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "altimeters", or refer to the context using the word "altimeters" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Radio altimeters

2. Altimeters;

3. Altimeters

4. Radar altimeters

5. Scales, luminous beacons, barometers, altimeters

6. Pressure Altimeters—a closer look

7. Altimeters, anemometers, temperature gauges, GPS and satellite navigation systems

8. Barometers can also be used as altimeters on planes and ships.

9. Table 3 does not include altimeters in sun-synchronous orbit, and it is noted that altimeters are only used to determine the time variant component of geostrophic currents, not the absolute current itself.

10. N.B.: See also Military Goods Controls for altimeters for rockets or missiles.

11. The parachute caps and altimeters must be wore, and parachute opener must be brought skydiving.

12. L&B, Parasport, Alti-2 and Dekunu brands with expert advice from the ChutingStar Crew! Alti-2 Galaxy Atlas, Larsen & Brusgaard Viso, LB Altimeters, Dekunu One GPS Altimeter, AON X2, Freefall Data Systems, Parasport skydiving Altimeters.

13. Airborne altimeters operating at frequencies other than 4.2 to 4.4 GHz inclusive, having any of the following characteristics:

14. Barometers and pressure altimeters are essentially the same tool but Barometers are kept stationary to measure atmospheric

15. Altimeters are important instruments both in aviation and in wilderness activities such as hiking, climbing, and skiing.

16. Analog, Visual and Audible Skydiving Altimeters in all colors for Skydivers from ChutingStar Skydiving Gear Store

17. Most skydivers wear a visual altimeter, and an increasing number also use audible altimeters fitted to their helmets.

18. Airborne altimeters operating at frequencies other than 4,2 to 4,4 GHz inclusive, having any of the following characteristics:

19. Its product portfolio ranges from thermometers, hygrometers and weather stations to alarm and stop clocks, pulse watches and digital altimeters.

20. Manometers, mano-vacuummeters, barometers, altimeters, thermometers, thermo-hydrometers, hydrometers, pressure sensors, flow meters, pressure gauges (measuring apparatus), measuring transducers (measuring apparatus)

21. Retail services in the field of timing apparatus, distance meters, sports watches, altimeters and depth gauges, pressure gauges, pulse clocks and cardio-frequency meters, GPS navigation apparatus, compasses

22. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Globally-Averaged, or global mean sea level (GMSL), has been accurately observed by satellite altimeters since the early 1990s

23. Certain instruments that indicate aircraft performance (altimeters, airspeed indicators and vertical velocity indicators) operate by sensing differential air pressures outside the aircraft.

24. Laser Altimetry technology is to the point where they can measure features only 10 cm in size! Laser altimeters have been used to map the surface of Mars

25. OS Technology is a leading developer of measuring devices. Its product portfolio ranges from thermometers, hygrometers and weather stations to alarm and stop clocks, pulse watches and digital altimeters.

26. UMA AltimeterS NON TSO This UMA standard Altimeter utilizes a single pointer and is designed to meet the needs of the low-cost Non-IFR user

27. I discard endways altimeters from anybody but the hydropower, and taxations sacerdotalisms were that if wombo brought the turbines here, theyd got to triumph debatable underlying, Afterthoughted pleading hensor.Precedented cripple impregnate after—throw im spear—close noncollapsible mumkull*.

28. The AMCRO system was resisted by manufacturers of conventional machine tools and never fully developed. Electronic Associates diversified to produce electronic instruments, such as portable Geiger counters for uranium prospectors, radar altimeters for accurate aerial surveys, and automatic process controls for industry, notably mines and paper mills.

29. Abacuses, accounting machines, accumulators, electric, acidimeters for batteries, acoustic couplers, actinometers, aerials, aerometers, air analysis apparatus, alarms, fire alarms, alidades, altimeters, ammeters, anemometers, antennas, asbestos clothing for protection against fire, apparatus and instruments for astronomy, lenses for astrophotography, audiovisual teaching apparatus, protective suits for aviators, meteorological balloons, bar code readers, barometers

30. Hygrometers, polymeters, hygrostats, hygrographs, meteorological thermometers, weather stations, psychometers, thermographs, thermo-hygrographs, meteorographs, remote humidity and temperature measuring, logging and regulating installations, barometers, barographs, altimeters, baro-vacuumeters, pitot tubes, precision pressure gauges, micromanometers, flow sensors, mechanical or electric vane and cup anemometers, thermal anemometers, wind recorders, electric remote wind measuring installations, wind warning installations, rainmeters, rainfall recorders, rain sensors, recording drosometers and evaporimeters, sunshine recorders, net-radiation recorders, total radiation recorders, light meters, ships' barographs, miniature vane anemometers, meteorological measuring masts