Sudan in Vietnamese


Sentence patterns related to "Sudan"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "Sudan" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "Sudan", or refer to the context using the word "Sudan" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Accesion: Sudan ( # pril

2. These provocative aerial Bombardments greatly increase the potential for direct confrontation between Sudan and South Sudan

3. Comrade Comerate lino, Juba, Sudan

4. Country: South Sudan, City: Aghan.

5. "Sudan police clash with protesters".

Cảnh sát dập tắt cuộc biểu tình bằng hơi cay. ^ a ă “Sudan police clash with protesters”.

6. Denial of humanitarian access in Eastern Sudan

7. Bari, people living near Juba in South Sudan

8. Braced is operating in 13 countries - Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Senegal, Niger, Mauritania, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Myanmar, and Nepal

9. Sudan was the first country to recognise the independence of South Sudan on 8 July 2011, 1 day prior to independence.

Sudan là nước đầu tiên làm điều này, từ ngày 8 tháng 7 năm 2011, 1 ngày trước khi độc lập.

10. I've added on little blue tails behind Sudan, Libya,

Tôi đã cho thêm một cái đuôi xanh da trời bé đằng sau Sudan, Libya

11. Athing Mu’s parents are immigrants to the USA from Sudan

12. Prayer Points * Scripture Prayers for the Birgid, Arabized in Sudan

13. Another three of Crawford's men arrived in Sudan yesterday.

Ba lính khác nữa của Crawford vừa đến Sudan hôm qua.

14. From the outset, Sudan participated open-mindedly in those consultations.

15. Balanda Boor, also Boor, an ethnic group in South Sudan

16. The Hala'ib Triangle is disputed region between Sudan and Egypt.

17. Acholi is also spoken in the southernmost region of Sudan

18. From the outset, Sudan participated open-mindedly in those consultations

19. Because of the secession of South Sudan, which contained over 80 percent of Sudan's oilfields, the economic forecast for Sudan in 2011 and beyond is uncertain.

Vì sự ly khai của Nam Sudan, trong đó có hơn 80% giếng dầu của Sudan, dự báo kinh tế cho Sudan vào năm 2011 và xa hơn nữa là không chắc chắn.

20. Berber, Sudan, a town on the Nile; People with the surname

21. Fatima grew up during the time of colonial Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.

Fatima lớn lên trong thời kỳ thuộc địa Sudan thuộc Anh-Ai Cập.

22. A cultural profile of the Beja people of Sudan, Eritrea and Egypt

23. Governments of Europe cooperated in an airlift of food deep into Sudan.

24. Yes, because the UN report partially Corroborates the Sudan Tribune article

25. [Epidemic of long-duration fever in Bamako (French Sudan); Bilharzic toxemiae]

26. The Government of Sudan must stop its military actions, including aerial bombardments.

Chính phủ Sudan phải dừng các hoạt động quân sự, bao gồm việc thả bom.

27. The accord ended a brutal war that was waged mostly in Southern Sudan.

28. The United States demands the Government of Sudan halt aerial Bombardments immediately.

29. Acholi is also spokenin the southernpart of the Opari District of Sudan

30. The first season started in 2011 after the independence of South Sudan.

Mùa giải đầu tiên khởi tranh từ năm 2011 sau khi Nam Sudan giành được độc lập.

31. The first season started in 2013 after the independence of South Sudan.

Mùa giải đầu tiên khởi tranh từ năm 2013 sau khi Nam Sudan giành độc lập.

32. Yet the wrangling over Darfur should not divert attention from southern Sudan.

33. Askaris recruited in the Southern Sudan could be very dark, almost black

34. Strategic planning, operational planning (military context ), military history, PSOs, conflict analysis, mediations and negotiations Abroaches with complementary research about the Best Methods for border security between Sudan and South Sudan state

35. Sudan is currently working to develop structures that can address mine action needs adequately.

36. UNCTAD also provided advice regarding the draft competition legislation of Afghanistan and Sudan

37. Copts are the lairgest Christian adherent group in Sudan an Libie an aw

38. South Sudan became a member of the United Nations on 13 July 2011.

Nam Sudan đã trở thành một thành viên Liên Hiệp Quốc vào ngày 14 tháng 7 năm 2011.

39. A refugee brother from Sudan gave the opening talk, “Examining Our Figurative Heart.”

Một anh tị nạn người Sudan đã trình bày bài diễn văn khai mạc, “Xem xét lòng chúng ta”.

40. European Community has set and publicated the standard determination method of Sudan red.

41. laissez-faire French capital theoretically stricter than hardline Sudan in the fashion stakes.

42. My Government's desire for peace throughout the territory of the Sudan is absolute

43. My Government’s desire for peace throughout the territory of the Sudan is absolute.

44. Little is known about lion distribution and population sizes in adjacent South Sudan.

Người ta biết rất ít về sự phân bố sư tử và quy mô dân số ở Nam Sudan liền kề.

45. 15 Human cases of Rift Valley fever (RVF) continue to occur in Sudan.

46. Ariab Mining Company (AMC) is the leading mining company in Sudan and East Africa

47. On November 28, 2009, two Russian helicopter pilots reported seeing rhinoceroses in southern Sudan.

Ngày 28 Tháng 11 năm 2009, hai phi công máy bay trực thăng của Nga báo cáo nhìn thấy Bắc trắng tê giác ở miền nam Sudan.

48. Sudan Sudanese F-7Bs were used in the Second Sudanese Civil War against ground targets.

Sudan F-7B được sử dụng trong Nội chiến Sudan trong vai trò cường kích.

49. Some people who knew Sudan feared that an enraged Mr Bashir would perpetrate fresh atrocities.

50. Genocide is an act of Barbarity that still plagues Sudan, Rwanda, and other countries