sudden death in Vietnamese

Chết đột nhiên, chết thình lình

Sentence patterns related to "sudden death"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sudden death" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sudden death", or refer to the context using the word "sudden death" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Sudden death.

Cái chết đột ngột.

2. He is invoked against sudden death.

3. His sudden death rocked the village.

4. Her father's sudden death astonished her.

5. Ron's sudden death was the catalyst for everything.

Cái chết bất ngờ của Ron là chất xúc tác cho mọi thứ.

6. His sudden death reduced the family to poverty.

7. Pete was crushed by his wife's sudden death.

8. We are all deeply saddened by Bill's sudden death.

9. The sudden death of her mother's caused her grief.

10. 23 If a flash flood should cause sudden death,

23 Nếu trận lụt chớp nhoáng gây ra cái chết bất ngờ,

11. We were shattered to hear of her sudden death.

12. His wife's sudden death upset the balance ofhis mind.

13. The sudden death of a baby is a devastating tragedy.

Trẻ sơ sinh bị đột tử là một bi kịch rất đau thương.

14. His sudden death came as a bolt from the blue.

15. His sudden death proved that he was a false prophet!

Cái chết đột ngột của ông chứng tỏ rằng ông là tiên tri giả!

16. I was amazed by the news of George's sudden death.

17. We were astonished at the news of Joan's sudden death.

18. Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country.

19. There had to be an inquest on his sudden death.

20. His sudden death had been foreshadowed by earlier health scares.

21. News of the general's sudden death was not published for several days.

22. No merciful sudden death for that poor romantic young fool, he thought grimly.

23. Sudden death after radiofrequency ablation of the Atrioventricular node in patients with atrial fibrillation

24. Banda took office as President following the sudden death of President Bingu wa Mutharika.

Banda nhậm chức làm Tổng thống sau cái chết đột ngột của Tổng thống Bingu wa Mutharika.

25. Shaddad Apostrophizes: “The sudden death of a hero is the work of a traitor

26. Her husband's sudden death was the start of a dark chapter in her life.

27. Aim: Food Asphyxiation is uncommon but unignorable cause of sudden death in the elderly

28. Garcia should re-evaluate every voluntary missing person case followed by accidental or sudden death.

29. The sudden death of the young man invested the house with an air of mystery.

30. The coach's sudden death made this a very challenging season, but our players have Braved it

31. Coronary artery aneurysms usually develop during this time, and the risk for sudden death is highest.

32. While exercise workload, psychological stress, age and biorhythm were influencing factors of exercise-related sudden death.

33. Clash also features a "sudden death" mode to keep matches at a fixed length

34. He served as acting prime minister of Japan in 1980 after the sudden death of Masayoshi Ōhira.

Ông giữ chức Quyền Thủ tướng Nhật Bản năm 1980 sau cái chết bất ngờ của Masayoshi Ōhira.

35. When mouth to mouth resuscitation is needed there is a particularly high risk of subsequent sudden death.

36. • Sudden death has been reported with amphetamine treatment at therapeutic doses in children with structural cardiac abnormalities;

37. This world of vibrant life and sudden death is exemplified by the fastest animal on earth- the cheetah.

38. There did not exist any kind of social insurance against sickness , old age , unemployment , accident or sudden death .

39. On 4 April 2007 Sargsyan was appointed as the Prime Minister, following the sudden death of Andranik Margaryan.

Ngày 4 tháng 4 năm 2007 Sargsyan được bổ nhiệm làm Thủ tướng, sau cái chết đột ngột của Andranik Margaryan.

40. 🔊 The sudden death of a family member appeared to Bereave the groom of joy on his wedding day

41. In fact, intervention of another kind took place on 27 January 19 with the sudden death of Vivien Eliot.

42. But this jackal in a lion's skin... who by threatening sudden death... has held this little town abjectly terrorized.

43. coronary artery disease (Cad) atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, which may cause angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and sudden death

44. 25 Truman had been propelled into the presidency through the sudden death of Franklin Roosevelt on 12 April 19

45. 7 The sudden death of a loved one can often leave the bereaved with an agonising sense of unfinished business.

46. Ashburn likely autographed only a handful of the cards before his sudden death, so even dealers are scrambling to find thems.

47. 8 The death caused of anaphylactic shock is common in clinical medicine and medicolegal expertise, but it is a nodus to diagnose sudden death from allergy.

48. The sudden death of Australian great Dean Jones due to a cardiac arrest on Thursday left the Cricketing world in shock as tributes poured in for the …

49. (Daniel 11:3, 4) Accordingly, within 14 years after Alexander’s sudden death in 323 B.C.E., his legitimate son Alexander IV and his illegitimate son Heracles were assassinated.

(Đa-ni-ên 11:3, 4) Đúng như vậy, chỉ nội trong 14 năm sau cái chết bất thình lình của A-léc-xan-đơ vào năm 323 TCN, hai người con của ông, con hợp pháp là A-léc-xan-đơ IV và con ngoại hôn là Heracles, đều bị ám sát.

50. Set over four seasons on a humble Northland dairy farm, Bellbird is the story of a dairy farmer struggling to cope with the sudden death of his beloved wife,