FAD in Vietnamese

một coenzyme dùng vào phản ứng khử quan trọng.

Sentence patterns related to "FAD"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "FAD" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "FAD", or refer to the context using the word "FAD" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Collecting stamps is a good fad.

2. This is not simply a passing fad.

3. Will upsizing be the next management fad?

4. They know this is just another fad.

5. Diesel Engines in Aircraft – Future or Fad? Military

6. Arts education may be the fad du jour.

7. I am a sneaker, more than a fad.

8. His interest in photography is only a passing fad.

9. 7 Arts education may be the fad du jour.

10. Hydride is then transferred from the beta-carbon of the substrate to the N(5) of the FAD, yielding the 2e−-reduced form of FAD.

Hydride sau đó được chuyển từ beta-carbon của chất nền sang N (5) của FAD, tạo ra dạng FAD 2e được khử.

11. 1 His interest in photography is only a passing fad.

12. Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.

13. Are video games a fad, or are they here to stay?

14. The question can't be lightly dismissed as a fad or a dream.

15. A fad sweeping the United States right now is called channeling.

Một mốt mới đang lan tràn ở Hoa-kỳ ngay bây giờ là “trò chơi đồng bóng”.

16. This footwear fad carries the same risk - including hammertoes , bunions , and pain .

Mốt thời thượng giày dép này gây cùng một nguy cơ như làm cho ngón chân khoằm xuống , viêm bao hoạt dịch ngón cái , và gây đau đớn .

17. However, unsophisticated people should not let peer pressure push them into a fad.

18. There was a fad for wearing ripped jeans a few years ago.

19. The Bluf domain has been shown to bind FAD in the AppA protein

20. One is the flavin adenine dinucleotide ( FAD ), and the second is methenyltetrahydropteroylployglutamate ( MTHF ).

21. But the blindingly obvious fad is that no one is around to be disturbed.

22. The majority of youths, however, may simply have become caught up in a fad.

Tuy nhiên, phần lớn thanh thiếu niên có thể chỉ đơn thuần bị cuốn theo trào lưu chung.

23. Through reaction mechanisms, FAD is able to contribute to chemical activities within biological systems.

24. Super percision fluid dispenser , parts ( Syringe, nozzle , valve, tank and so on ) and FAD system.

25. Introduced just before Thanksgiving, WebTV is either a revolution in computing or a seasonal fad.

26. The latest fad is for officials to sue newspapers for libel, demanding over $1 million.

27. Whether this is just a passing fad or a lasting fashion trend, only time will tell.

28. It is only in the fashion or fad field that the later comers get badly burned.

29. Veganism: A Fad or a Friend? Blisse Kong ‘20, Junior Opinions Editor December 22, 2017

30. Dehydrosphingosine is then reduced by NADPH to dihydrosphingosine (sphinganine), and finally oxidized by FAD to sphingosine.

Sau đó, dehydrosphingosin được NADPH khử thành dihydrosphingosin (sphinganin) và cuối cùng được FAD oxi hóa thành sphingosin.

31. It is the latest evidence that the merger fad among military contractors is far from finished.

32. The public was eager for distractions, and thus came the Cyclorama fad of the late nineteenth century

33. The product can be used as part of a treatment strategy for flea allergy dermatitis (FAD

34. 17 Super percision fluid dispenser , parts ( Syringe, nozzle , valve, tank and so on ) and FAD system.

35. Over the years, fad diet programs have labeled Carbohydrates as "good" or "bad."

36. Sauropus Androgynus Induced Bronchiolitis Obliterans ) Note that 9 people died in Taiwan due to that fad diet

37. • The Finance and Administration Directorate (FAD) is in the process of reviewing and revising detailed accounting procedures.

38. And while there are fundamental differences between Eastern and Western medicine, this is no new age fad.

39. It could be that old Henry Flagler himself started the fad, back when he started the town.

40. Very trendy new hotel run by Christina Ong, the Met adheres to the current fad for minimalism.

41. In the complaint, Mr Patnak said the “sport” of “Borating” is a “fad” and has no historical basis

42. So if time is an dement of the ex-Aedilian* Ute fact should bs boras IU in fad

43. Adenine; Adenine has various roles in biochemistry including cellular respiration in the form of ATP and NAD and FAD

44. If the AlomarHirschbeck rapprochement were to be achieved, it would only be the latest in a growing apology fad.

45. Beanie Babies were a huge fad among collectors in the 1990s due to their cute designs and fun collectibility

46. The song contains samples of "Supersonic" by J. J. Fad and "Give It All You Got" by Afro-Rican.

47. In biochemistry, flavin Adenine dinucleotide (FAD) is a redox-active coenzyme associated with various proteins, which is involved with several enzymatic reactions in metabolism.A flavoprotein is a protein that contains a flavin group, which may be in the form of FAD or flavin mononucleotide (FMN)

48. NOS is the only known enzyme that binds flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), flavin mononucleotide (FMN), heme, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) and calmodulin.

49. This can lead to thriftiness to the point of denying yourself pleasure, or embracing some health fad to ward of disease.

50. Younger audiences are becoming increasingly interested in bands of this musical grab-bag genre, and not only as a retro fad.