fail in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. sự thi hỏng
2. người thi hỏng

Nội Động từ
1. không nhớ, quên
2. yếu dần, mất dần, tàn dần
3. không đúng, sai
4. thiếu
5. không thành công, thất bại
6. trượt, hỏng thi
7. bị phá sản
8. không làm tròn, không đạt
9. hỏng, không chạy nữa

Ngoại Động từ
1. thiếu, không đủ
2. thất hẹn với (ai); không đáp ứng được yêu cầu của (ai)
3. đánh trượt (một thí sinh)

Sentence patterns related to "fail"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fail" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fail", or refer to the context using the word "fail" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Try and fail, but don't fail to try.

2. If you fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail.

3. Students who fail to meet the requirements will fail.

4. Nobody plans to fail , but many fail to plan .

Ai không lập kế hoạch sẽ thất bại , nhưng nhiều người không lập kế hoạch .

5. Problem: hatch door malfunction, backup power fail, manual override fail

6. 12 If you fail to prepare, you're prepared to fail.

7. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.

8. Why Some Marriages Fail

Tại sao một số hôn nhân thất bại

9. He will surely fail.

10. You didn't fail, Abe.

11. LockNull: All locks fail

12. Your plan will fail!

Kế hoạch của mi sẽ thất bại!

13. Our banks began to fail.

Các ngân hàng của chúng tôi bắt đầu thua lỗ.

14. You're going to fail miserably.

Bạn sẽ thất bại ê chề.

15. However, the siege will fail.

Tuy nhiên, cuộc công hãm thất bại.

16. One in ten will fail.

17. Ohh! This plan could fail.

Kế này có thể công toi.

18. To fail was considered despicable.


20. Diligent students occasionally fail this subject.

21. I fail to comprehend their attitude.

22. Their attempts will most assuredly fail.

23. It appears that the aldehydes frequently succeed where acetals and alcohols fail, and acetals where alcohols fail.

24. + YOU women will without fail carry out YOUR vows, and YOU will without fail perform YOUR vows.’

25. We were all chosen to fail.

26. Vegetation would wither; crops would fail.

Cây cối sẽ khô héo; mùa màng sẽ thất bại.

27. Genuine love that will never fail

Nếu ta chứa chan tình yêu tín đồ thật,

28. I foreboded that I might fail.

29. Rolle, alas, must fail this test.

30. If you fail, don't punish yourself.

31. She expects to fail the exam.

32. The light was beginning to fail .

33. Its social programs can fail to work, its businesses can fail to produce, its laws can become unenforceable.

34. She foretold that he would fail.

35. Their antics never fail to amuse.

36. He writes every week without fail.

37. Calloused and cold, Not afraid to fail

38. module if all other module loads fail.

39. While the eyes of his children fail.

Trong khi mắt con cái người hao mòn.

40. Impossible for me to fail, so watched

Dường như tôi sẽ không thất bại nhờ vào bạn bè hiền dịu của tôi

41. Multiple attempts to resuscitate the baby fail.

Bác sĩ nhiều lần cố gắng hồi sức cho em bé thất bại.

42. Some schools fail to set any homework.

43. Many diets fail because they are boring.

44. 3 Their antics never fail to amuse.

45. Travis was, without fail, always there too.

46. Why does discretionary fiscal policy often fail?

47. We are creating organizations able to fail, but in a compliant way, with somebody clearly accountable when we fail.

48. Daniel, they' re bypassing the fail safe

49. (but I didn't fail) He Almost died

50. His disability caused this thing to fail.