demarcation in Turkish

  1. hudut tayini, sınır çekme. Iine of demarcation sınır çizgisi.

Sentence patterns related to "demarcation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demarcation" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demarcation", or refer to the context using the word "demarcation" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. The demarcation among characters in a string.

2. There is no demarcation line along the Yalu River.

3. There is no sharp demarcation between these two types.

4. The courts have long been involved in demarcation disputes.

5. The debugging and demarcation Methods: Were introduced in detail.

6. Every publication or public appearance is a demarcation dispute.

7. There was no clear demarcation between work and play.

8. Collared (not comparable) Having a collar (or other encircling demarcation)

9. Under this demarcation of atheism, most agnostics qualify as negative atheists.

10. The line of demarcation between manager and worker will blur.

11. The demarcation between black and rust is to be clearly defined.

12. If you are sweet hearts , please respect your space, demarcation line and privity .

13. The consensus of opinion, nevertheless, was that the fundamental demarcation occurred at £

14. A preoperative demarcation of the antrum, especially for antrectomy, is thus possible.

15. Beclatter Park across the serial line of demarcation is blurry at best

16. The basic purpose of the Armistice Demarcation Line is to delineate the line

17. Talks were continuing about the demarcation of the border between the two countries.

18. To bypass ministerial demarcation lines, several territorial production complexes have been set up.

19. It was hard to draw clear lines of demarcation between work and leisure.

20. There was no clear demarcation between work and play or public and private business.

21. In fact, the lines of demarcation between the two camps were much less distinct.

22. “The town of Moulins was on the demarcation line between the occupied and unoccupied zone.

23. This includes the demarcation of remaining un-demarcated areas, territories under adverse possession and exchange of enclaves.

24. Any attempt at continued demarcation is impossible once the courts move to a theory of extensive review.

25. This demarcation is achieved, as we saw in our earlier discussion of Winnicott, through frustration.

26. This resulted in a strict demarcation between the employer's personal duty and his vicarious liability.

27. This railroad will cut through the demarcation line, once again linking the two parts of Korea.

28. Fieldworks are performed to solve the demarcation, resort emendation, advanced PID control algorithm and signal interference.

29. It had been plagued by excessive absenteeism, restrictive practices, inter-union demarcation lines and poor product quality.

30. There is also an exaggerated demarcation of social distance between ranks, and deferential behavior by subordinate ranks toward superiors.

31. It is likely to be a considerable time before arrangements for any border demarcation can be completed.

32. The South-North demarcation line and areas for non-aggression shall be identical with the Military Demarcation Line specified in the Military Armistice Agreement of July 27, 1953 and the areas that have been under the jurisdiction of each side until the present time

33. She had driven slowly forward to the yellow demarcation line and the frightening folds of barbed wire.

34. These sub-regions are more conceptual than culturally meaningful, and the demarcation of their limits is not rigid.

35. Mitigation measures may include area demarcation (signs), accesses control (fences) and/or changes to the station(s) parameters.

36. This leads to the second problem, which is concerned with the exact demarcation of the North-South boundary.

37. Bernard Parish, a drainage canal known as the 40 Arpent Canal runs along the old 40-Arpent demarcation

38. These included the consolidation and demarcation of sovereignty, the surveillance of the population, and the education of citizens.

39. Meanwhile, the Commission proceeded with activities required for the demarcation exercise, including field surveys starting in Sector East

40. Nor did his Lordship draw any demarcation between administrative institutions and inferior courts for the purposes of review.

41. Desiring to define more accurately at certain points and to complete the demarcation of the land boundary between India and Bangladesh,

42. Calls on Ethiopia to accept the demarcation and delimitation of its border as set out by the UN Boundary Commission

43. Calls on Ethiopia to accept the demarcation and delimitation of its border as set out by the UN Boundary Commission;

44. The bowel ends are either anastomosed or tied, and the bowel is returned to the abdomen to allow full tissue demarcation.

45. Undertake the demarcation, accurate and timely mapping, and precise allocation of forest areas, and make this information available to the public;

46. Blend definition is - mix; especially : to combine or associate so that the separate constituents or the line of demarcation cannot be distinguished

47. The Treaty defined the demarcation of powers between the federation and the constituent republics as a component element of the new Constitution.

48. The 1855 Treaty of Shimoda acknowledged that both Russia and Japan had joint rights of occupation to Sakhalin, without setting a definite territorial demarcation.

49. Robust demarcation of 17 distinct Bacillus species clades, proposed as novel Bacillaceae genera, by phylogenomics and comparative genomic analyses: description of Robertmurraya kyonggiensis sp

50. The extent of the angioma and its easily distinguishable demarcation from the leptomeninx allow the conclusion that this is a so-called “spinal leptomeningeal angioma”.