demobilization in Turkish


  1. seferberliğin bitmesi, asker terhisi.

Sentence patterns related to "demobilization"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "demobilization" from the English - Turkish Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "demobilization", or refer to the context using the word "demobilization" in the English - Turkish Dictionary.

1. immediate demobilization of the reserves.

2. He started to write after demobilization.

3. Execute the law after personnel is registered to its, their demobilization.

4. But the demobilization will not leave us economically just where we were before It'started.

5. The downside of demobilization was that around 70,000 military personnel were left unemployed.

6. Antonyms for Beleaguering include demobilisation, demobilization, disbanding, disbandment, release, retirement, relief, assuaging, calming and comforting

7. Male. 75 + m height . Healthy . Nice appearance and good communication ability . Demobilization soldiers have priority.

8. Seek assistance on incorporating the alluvial mining sector into Liberia’s disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration programme.

9. Those resources should be channelled towards the most urgent priorities, including disarmament, demobilization and reintegration activities.

10. Among his tasks was overseeing the demobilization of the troops who had been fighting in France.

11. Provision of advice to the Libyan authorities through weekly meetings on registration, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants

12. d) Seek assistance on incorporating the alluvial mining sector into Liberia's disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration programme

13. Nowhere was demobilization more of a problem than at Los Alamos, where there was an exodus of talent.

14. His main role was rapid demobilization of millions of soldiers, a job that was delayed by lack of shipping.

15. General Dien presided over the demobilization of the KPNLF's armed forces in February 1992, after which he returned to Cambodia.

16. Other sources of extra-budgetary income include funds from the central government and local governments for defense mobilization preparations, conscription, and demobilization.

17. By the beginning of 1947 the United States had almost completed tile most rapid demobilization in the history of the world.

18. 30 By the beginning of 1947 the United States had almost completed tile most rapid demobilization in the history of the world.

19. "The paramilitary demobilization process -- by which over 31,000 members of paramilitary groups supposedly demobilized -- and the legal framework that has accompanied it, has been a complete sham which has abjectly failed both to dismantle paramilitarism in Colombia and to respect the right of victims to truth, justice and reparation.

20. The liquidation team was Belatedly appointed in October 1994.: El equipo de liquidación se nombró tardíamente, en octubre de 1994.: Demobilization started Belatedly and gained speed only after June 1994.: La desmovilización comenzó tardíamente y se aceleró sólo después de junio de 1994.: Even the information that had been Belatedly supplied by Ethiopia was extremely sketchy and

21. Urges all States and the international community to respect, promote and protect the rights of the girl child, taking into account the particular vulnerabilities of the girl child in pre-conflict, conflict and post-conflict situations, and further urges States to take special measures for the protection of girls, in particular to protect them from sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, gender-based violence, including rape, sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, torture, abduction and forced labour, paying special attention to refugee and displaced girls, and to take into account their special needs in the delivery of humanitarian assistance and disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation assistance and reintegration processes;

22. The Government of the Republic of Angola welcomes with affability the climate of cooperation, fraternity and verified patriotism during the military conversations that enabled the transformations of mistrust and doubt, common in processes of this nature, into a candid exploration of efficient solutions for concrete problems of great impact to the destiny of the nation, among which are the disengagement, quartering and conclusion of the demilitarization of UNITA, and for the incorporation of its staff for future selection and incorporation of its generals, officers, sergeants and soldiers into the Angolan Armed Forces and the National Police, in accordance with the existing institutional vacancies, as well as the consequent social reintegration of demobilization into civil society through competent agencies and entities of the Government.