port side in Dutch

port side [pɔːtsaid] bakboord

Sentence patterns related to "port side"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "port side" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "port side", or refer to the context using the word "port side" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. I just lost four thrusters on the port side.

2. A container vessel is overtaking us from port side.

3. Analysis revealed that the port side of the ship hit the seabed first.

4. As we approached Bremerhaven we could see the big beacon light on the port side.

5. The Asdic recorders were located in a cabin below the bridge, on the port side

6. Bergère de Domrémy maintenance: painting and rigging, Careening starboard and port side

7. At 18:10, scuttled by her crew, Varyag rolled over on her port side and sank.

8. However, European accessibility standards do not exist in air or for port side access to waterborne transport.

9. One hit but did not explode, and Yura departed the area with a dent in her port side.

10. He opened up the port side of the helicopter and he hovered across the stern of the Kirk.

11. The sounding pipe in No.1 top side tank ( port side ) to be renewed, dia . Approx .50 mm.

12. A door on the port side of the same bulkhead led to a combined radio-room and chart-room.

13. It was obvious that the ship was running alongside a sand bank with a shoal water on the port side.

14. The port side was chosen as an experiment to see if that side was better for flight operations by moving the island away from the ship's exhaust outlets.

15. The front bulkhead (15) of the bridge is directed from the main navigation workstation to the port side of the ship (10) in an angle ($g(a)) abaft the beam.

16. The Mi-17 can be recognized because it has the tail rotor on the port side instead of the starboard side, and dust shields in front of the engine intakes.

17. 15 On-screen, the Stalingrad took a direct hit on her port side. Plasma etched through the meters of titanium-A armor plating like a blowtorch through rice paper, and her center amidships decks vented.

18. Other Armenians inhabited the area of Karantina (literally "Quarantine", a port-side district in the Lebanese capital of Beirut).Later on, a thriving Armenian community was formed in the neighbouring district of Bourj Hammoud.

19. But at about 18:00 a radio-controlled Henschel Hs 293 glide bomb hit Spartan just aft of the after funnel and detonated high up in the compartments abreast the port side of the after boiler room, blowing a large hole in the upper deck.

20. The wheelhouse is located on the main deck forward from midships; access to the wheelhouse from the Afterdeck is through a sliding door fitted with a sill on the starboard side facing aft, and access to the foredeck is through a hinged door on the port side of the wheelhouse.

21. I repeat, heavy ordinance port side, Amidships! Repito, ordenanza pesada babor, en medio del barco! Bugler, summon the men Amidships! ¡Clarín, reúna a los hombres en el centro del buque! It may be reduced by 15 % where the vessel is equipped with only a single bow anchor and the hawse pipe is located Amidships.

22. Side lights, each placed at the same height and on the same perpendicular to the axis of the vessel, 1 m lower than the masthead light, not forward of it at least 1 m abaft of it on the widest part of the ship; they shall be screened inboard so that the green light cannot be seen from the port side and the red light cannot be seen from the starboard side;

23. Side lights, each placed at the same height and on the same perpendicular to the axis of the vessel, 1 m lower than the masthead light, not forward of it at least 1 m abaft of it on the widest part of the vessel; they shall be screened inboard so that the green light cannot be seen from the port side and the red light cannot be seen from the starboard side;