possibly in Dutch

possibly [pɔsəbliː] misschien, mogelijk, mogelijkerwijs, soms, wellicht

Sentence patterns related to "possibly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "possibly" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "possibly", or refer to the context using the word "possibly" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. Or possibly, “crane.”

2. (Ephʹlal) [possibly, Arbitrator].

3. Or possibly, “chosen.”

4. The Grim, possibly.

5. Or possibly, “the sheaves.”

6. Turtle —possibly magnetic sense

7. Or possibly, “dry up.”

8. 2, possibly for free.

9. Or possibly, “their loyalty.”

10. He's possibly self-employed.

11. Possibly the Orion constellation.

12. Or possibly, “dries up.”

13. Or possibly, “a resister.”

14. Possibly his vile lizard tongue.

15. You can't possibly mean that!

16. Comparers.uk is possibly for sale

17. Caloprymnus campestris (possibly extinct) (I)

18. Or possibly, “In our time.”

19. Possibly referring to the Levites.

20. He may possibly know it.

21. You can't possibly overcharge me.

22. Read error-possibly incorrect password

23. Or possibly, “garbage dumps; dunghills.”

24. Roman coin possibly depicting Aurelian

25. 2¿ is a monocyclic or bicyclic aromatic grouping which is possibly substituted and possibly heterocyclically anellated.

26. What else you can possibly need?

27. The similarities cannot possibly be coincidental.

28. What could possibly disturb such tranquility?

29. I can't possibly meet that deadline.

30. I'll do all I possibly can.

31. Error validating wallet integrity. Possibly corrupted

32. Or possibly, “palm branch and reed.”

33. She cannot possibly be so obtuse.

34. Could I possibly use your bathroom?

35. We could Conceivably [= possibly ] finish tomorrow

36. And anyway, what could possibly happen?

37. You can not possibly overcharge me.

38. Rare but possibly regular passage migrant.

39. (E·liʹphal) [possibly, My God Has Arbitrated].

40. Possibly more manipulative than her mother.

41. Possibly wants peace, at least temporarily.

42. Could you possibly close that window?

43. Pacify possibly to know Tom's address.

44. How can I possibly do it?

45. You can't possibly get the picture.

46. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? r/ WhatCouldgowrong

47. Other types of Chondrodysplasia punctata possibly exist.

48. Or possibly, “is left to you desolate.”

49. What could you possibly need backup for?

50. You may possibly get a new job.