overwhelm in Dutch

overwhelm [ouvəwelm] bedelven, overstelpen, verplettere

Sentence patterns related to "overwhelm"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overwhelm" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overwhelm", or refer to the context using the word "overwhelm" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. For they overwhelm me.

2. Accabler translations: to overwhelm, bear down on

3. Most preparations overwhelm the flavor of good oysters.

4. Its harsh tannins seem to overwhelm the fruit.

5. The Stilton doesn't overwhelm the flavour of the trout.

6. Confute definition is - to overwhelm in argument : refute conclusively

7. Her story, however, will overwhelm adults and mesmerize kids.

8. Some Copers described situations that would probably overwhelm anyone

9. Be sure to not overwhelm the buyer with questions.

10. (Romans 8:36) Did they allow that to overwhelm them?

11. Other times, like tonight, the world threatened to overwhelm him.

12. Eliminate unnecessary details that may confuse and overwhelm your listeners.

13. Deal with stress fast whenever it threatens to overwhelm you.

14. What does Accumber mean? (obsolete) To encumber; to crush; to overwhelm

15. Amaze definition, to overwhelm with surprise or sudden wonder; astonish greatly

16. He did not overwhelm his listeners with an impressive display of knowledge.

17. The Bioelectric shield completely removes any/all overwhelm from the equipment

18. Napoleon's army was strong enough to overwhelm nearly any potential enemy.

19. To lose these meanings would be death, to unleash them would overwhelm.

20. A dark wavemass attack of twisted creatures sought to overwhelm the paladin.

21. After my lecture,(Sentencedict) the students began to overwhelm me with questions.

22. Astound definition, to overwhelm with amazement; astonish greatly; shock with wonder or surprise

23. In advanced cases of syphilis, for example, bacterial organisms overwhelm the liver.

24. She bit her lip, fighting the fear that threatened to overwhelm her.

25. Spanish naval tactics required their men to board and overwhelm the enemy.

26. Such statistics can serve merely to overwhelm one with a sense of futility.

27. In the warm, crowded conditions of the home aquarium, the parasites overwhelm the fish.

28. Why may some tend to overwhelm their audience, and how can this be avoided?

29. So, it's vital to zap stress fast whenever it threatens to overwhelm you.

30. It was clear that one massive Allied offensive would overwhelm the weakened enemy.

31. “We should not try to force the issue and overwhelm our relatives.” —Jürgen

32. Aspens are small and won’t overwhelm your yard, and sometimes they provide nice autumn color

33. The software, designed for children, has good graphics and animation that doesn't overwhelm the content.

34. But he was able to overwhelm an audience of devotees by genuine warmth and frankness.

35. 24 synonyms for Bemuse: puzzle, stun, confuse, overwhelm, stump, baffle, bewilder, muddle, daze, confound

36. Something seemed to pour through his face and overwhelm her, something molten, timeless, glorious.

37. Don't just win the match; overwhelm your opponents by about 20 goals to nil.

38. To harass or overwhelm, as with requests: a shop owner Besieged by job applications

39. Pestilence and bloodshed will overwhelm you, and I will bring a sword against you.

40. In argument he never tried to overbear or overwhelm the opponent by intellectual bludgeoning.

41. The object world falls back and away, and invasions from the unconscious overtake and overwhelm one.

42. Man beats back the jungle, the vines and fluid spong trees inexorably overwhelm the masonry.

43. This example assumes that a sympathy for motorists with overwhelm any tendency to logical analysis.

44. + 42 Swarms of insects* will overwhelm all your trees and the fruitage of your ground.

45. 10 In argument he never tried to overbear or overwhelm the opponent by intellectual bludgeoning.

46. Nevertheless, prayer helps us to keep our mental balance, so that our distresses do not overwhelm us.

47. Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei...... will overwhelm Cao Cao's camp from the west gate.

48. The husband belongs to Scarlet, a woman whose life of quiet desperation threatens to overwhelm her.

49. 21 Man beats back the jungle, the vines and fluid spong trees inexorably overwhelm the masonry.

50. The sufferings he saw everywhere piled up more and more tasks and threatened to overwhelm him.