pale in Dutch

pale [peil] verbleekt bleek, flets, pips, vaal

Sentence patterns related to "pale"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pale" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pale", or refer to the context using the word "pale" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. He turned deathly pale.

2. Pale spiky girl one side of a table, pale pasty boy the other.

3. And the pale Orc?

4. She went deathly pale.

5. Your mucus was " pale goldenrod ".

6. Bob looked pale and sullen.

7. She looked pale and sickly.

8. Her face was deathly pale.

9. Bernadette turned deathly pale.

10. 25 Pale spiky girl one side of a table, pale pasty boy the other.

11. She was pale with fear.

12. Pink tinged her pale cheeks.

13. He looked pale and haggard.

14. Pale helms and spiky spurs,

15. She has a pale face.

16. His face turned deathly pale.

17. Pale Waterlily Pink Silk Charmeuse

18. 'Pale' by Blessa on Soundcloud

19. The colour of the IĠT Banderols is pale green whilst those of DOK wines are pale

20. As realization dawned, he went pale.

21. He looked very pale and drawn.

22. Well, perhaps a trifle pale.

23. Pale Green Boutonniere Life S $35.00

24. You see, you're slight, pale, sickly.

25. Why has every face turned pale?

26. Distant clouds opalesce like pale brocade.

27. Dark stripes alternate with pale ones.

28. ID: Encrusting Ascidian that forms rounded and uneven lobes. Colors includes whites, pale yellows, and pale pink.

29. Apices Halteres with pale stems, thickly covered with pale scales, the Apices with small dark flat scales

30. Brewed with pAle malt and Ale yeast, pAle Ales bridge the gap between dark stouts and light lagers

31. Rodrigue millien & Blagueur - pale creole.wmv

32. Her face was taut and pale.

33. Her pale, plump face was serene.

34. He looks pale in the moonlight.

35. She rose in her pale nightgown.

36. He was pale but perfectly composed.

37. Veins showed through her pale skin.

38. Alyssum alyssoides pale madwort Alyssum argenteum

39. You look pale. Are you OK?

40. He was pale and a bit haggard.

41. Pale moonlight, I declare lonely and shadow.

42. He looked tired, dishevelled and very pale.

43. The floor was dappled with pale moonlight.

44. She was morose, pale, and reticent.

45. Migrating birds filled the pale sky.

46. She looked pale, thin, and unhealthy.

47. My complexion remained pale and pasty.

48. Bloom - blowsy - complected - Complexional - dark - dark skin - dusky - fair skin - fair-skinned - florid - green - healthy skin - hue - pale - pale skin - pallor - perfect skin - pimply - skin color - skin tone - unwrinkled - very pale - wan - whiteness

49. Beige is a very pale brown color.

50. 1 She was morose, pale, and reticent.