white-collar workers in Korean

noun - white-collar worker
봉급 생활자: white-collar worker
인텔리 직업인: white-collar worke

Sentence patterns related to "white-collar workers"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "white-collar workers" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "white-collar workers", or refer to the context using the word "white-collar workers" in the English - Korean.

1. White-collar workers now work longer hours.

2. Blue - and and white- collar workers, scientists and joint farmers,

3. These categories include white-collar workers as well as blue-collar workers.

4. Its dynamic and smiling young white-collar workers are just as grotesque.

5. Others claim that routine white-collar workers still belong to the middle class.

6. Survey data indicate no variance in church attendance between blue- and white-collar workers.

7. Jean, who came from a family of white-collar workers, served him only coffee and toast.

8. In modern terms an office is usually the location where white-collar workers carry out their functions.

9. Each was a weekend retreat for white-collar workers and gentry for purposes of education and uplift.

10. (ii) There is a silent but steady increase in the number of white collar workers in the Gulf.

11. Some 1,213,000 white collar workers are caught up in the new unemployment figure,” many now being on welfare.

그 중 많은 사람들이 현재 사회 보장 혜택하에 있다.

12. Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding rates among blue-collar workers.

13. 23 Each was a weekend retreat for white-collar workers and gentry for purposes of education and uplift.

14. A new study is replicating and extending the earlier work with a larger group of white-collar workers.

15. 25 Unemployment rates among white-collar workers show much less regional variation than corresponding rates among blue-collar workers.

16. 25 The report demonstrated that the 1980s austerity measures had disproportionately affected blue collar workers in comparison with white collar workers.

17. This refers to the professionals and white-collar workers whose earnings are linked to their skills and qualifications rather than capitalist ventures.

18. For companies that do not operate a cafeteria, it is mandatory for white-collar workers to be given lunch vouchers as part of their employee benefits.

19. Then, in 1935, the New York Times reported that the Works Progress Administration (WPA) had funded a 3-million-dollar program to teach white collar workers shadow puppetry and Boondoggling.

20. Women workers average 36-percent higher absenteeism than do men, and blue-collar workers, on an average, fail to show up for work 57-percent oftener than do white-collar workers.

여자 종업원들은 남자들 보다 평균 36‘퍼센트’가 더 높으며 ‘브루-칼러’ 종업원들은 평균적으로 ‘화이트-칼러’ 종업원들보다 57‘퍼센트’나 더 번번히 근무를 기피하고 있다.

21. Its rather cold, sterile atmosphere and its wide- open spaces —generally so welcome in large cities— are especially noticeable when politicians and white- collar workers desert the city on weekends and holidays.

이 도시의 다소 쓸쓸하고 메마른 분위기와 확 트인 공간—대개 대도시에서는 선뜻 환영하는 것—은 정치인과 사무직 근로자들이 주말과 휴일에 도시를 떠나고 나면 유난히 두드러진다.

22. Its use left Scouting for politics in 1935 when a New York Times story reported a political investigation of the federal Works Progress Administration, which had spent more than $3 million on training for unemployed white-collar workers, which included instruction in ballet dancing, shadow puppetry and making Boondoggles.